Good guy (or girl) with a gun stories are always ignored by the media

in guns •  2 years ago 

Here we go again, right on schedule with the renewed talk about sensible gun control, whatever that means. It happens every couple of years and the usual people try to make some shooting about themselves rather than what the actual issue is and any stories that go contrary to the leftist "guns are bad, mmmmkay?" narrative are just swept under the rug.


This only happened a little while ago in West Virginia but saw almost no media exposure at all. The story goes like this: The was a graduation party in a neighborhood and a man with an extensive criminal record was driving up and down the street, almost seemingly to intentionally agitate the people at the party. He was driving very fast and some of the guests asked him to slow down because there were children playing in the area.


Dennis Butler didn't take very well to being asked to do something so he left, went and got a rifle and then returned to the party and started arbitrarily shooting at the attendees without any apparent target. One woman, who as far as I can tell hasn't been identified, had her own legal firearm with her and returned fire, striking and killing Butler.

This happened just a day after the school shooting in Texas and this is why it wasn't featured in the news. As was mentioned by many people in Tweets, this story wasn't covered by ANY of the major left-leaning networks or media outlets including New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, or the Washington Post. I think it should be very clear as to why this is the case: These outlets do not care about informing the public about anything that doesn't support their political aspirations.

I don't know what is so difficult for people to understand about laws and guns. If you make more laws about gun ownership only the criminals are going to have guns because I don't know if you are aware of this: Criminals don't generally overly concern them with what the laws happen to be.

Dennis Butler has a criminal record going back more than a decade and is a convicted felon. He is not legally allowed to obtain a firearm but that didn't really stop him from getting one now did it? If more laws are put into place to prevent legal gun ownership the old adage kicks in: "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."


I think another reason why this was kept out of the news is because West Virginia is a deeply red state and there is no political advantage to the establishment for making this story blow up. If the media was honest, and they clearly aren't, they would highlight this story as well so that people could at least be capable of seeing the full story from both sides of the spectrum.

In fact, there are "good guy with a gun" stories that happen all the time but unless you subscribe to some sort of pro 2nd amendment news feed you are almost certainly never going to hear about it. The gun situation in the United States is a difficult one and I think that the now Democrat controlled Congress will probably make a final push to put more legislation in place before they get ousted in November. It will all just be for political theater though because once they are ousted in November, it will immediately get reversed.

Then we also have the individual states that can override the Federal government in many situations and this is true even now in relation to a lot of thing, including gun ownership. This will just cause a further divide between the blue and the red states and in my mind this is inevitable at this point. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing the US divided into two separate countries. I believe this is an eventuality.

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I wonder if the criminal's skin color had anything to do with the media silence...

i failed to see that. Of course it did.