I know that 1911s aren't the go-to anymore. A lot of people don't know why I didn't get a Glock. A lot of people don't know why I didn't get a 9mm. A lot of people don't know why I went with a full sized model.
Now that I've had the gun for a while, and put it through its paces at the range, I've gotta say that I love it.
I'm already pretty accurate with it, though I'm not gonna rival Eli Dicken.
I've managed to effectively conceal it even when I've been touched. I mean, I'm used to carrying an 8.5 inch appendage in my pants, just not two at the same time.
The gun has yet to fail.
Also, one of the reasons why I carried a revolver was that it could fire without any worries about whether or not it's in battery. The 1911 solves that issue for me because, if you carry locked and cocked as I do, you can make the gun go bang by depressing the trigger and releasing the safety even if the gun is pressed against the target.
People may think that I'm keeping the gun home due to its size, and its lack of practically. Nope, I carry it every time I can legally do so.
I also like that it's not pointed at my junk when I'm carrying.