Clueless Gun Control Drivel

in guns •  8 years ago  (edited)

Below is a good example of liberal ignorance on the topic of firearms. Politicians and media elites who understand nothing about firearms and who try to teach others about it are doomed to make a fool out of themselves. Yet all of them probably still think they are the virtuous ones with a moral high ground. The smuggish and infringing attitude of these people is what makes normal law-abiding citizens angry, and is one more reason why Donald Trump won.

Some examples taken from the video:

"There have been a lot of people who have been shot by an unloaded gun"

"Police officers don't carry a gun as a defensive weapon, to defend themselves or other officers"

"Incendiary tip on top of a bullet, which is a heat-seeking device"

"30 round magazine clip which is fired in half a second"

"It's legal to hunt humans with (insert number) round magazines"

"Semi-automatic weapons can shoot down airplanes and can blow up railroads"

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Thanks for the post.

These people should not be allowed to have guns. The rest of us, we have the second amendment to protect ourselves from gun grabbers who believe in heat seeking deer cookers, that fire at the rate of 30 rounds per .5 seconds.

If Feinstein doesn't want people to have guns, she can set a good example and start by getting rid of her armed guards. Good luck with that in California, Senator.