RE: Which Do You Value More: Freedom or the Well-being Freedom Brings?

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Which Do You Value More: Freedom or the Well-being Freedom Brings?

in guns •  7 years ago 

nope...your premise is wrong.
if you remove democratic controlled hell holes from your calculations then the US is the safest place on the planet. More guns...less crime.

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Do you have any data for that claim? I'd be interested in reading it.

a few seconds search on google provides..

  • Now, going back to the WISQARS tool and filtering for black male victims between the ages of 15 and 35, a total of 4,675 homicide victims were recorded, with a rate (for that age group) of 65.5/100,000. That group makes up only 2.2% of the total population, but represents 29.6% of the victims of homicide. If we could reduce the homicide rate in that one group to the national rate of 4.96/100,000, it would save 4,321 lives.
    And it would reduce the national homicide rate to 3.6/100,000.


Is the US Really 3rd in Murders?

There are something like 300 million guns in America. How many were used today to murder someone? The percentage rate is something like .000.... You get the idea.