Here's another edition of, "I Shouldn't Have to Say This."

in guns •  last year 


Guns are loud.

Guns are really, really loud.

Before standard military headgear included ear protection, over 50% of people in the military reported some hearing loss.

In terms of decibels, an AR-15 with a suppressor/silencer/whatever anti-gun people wanna call them, is about as loud as a jackhammer - if not louder.

It's been almost a century since we started restricting access to suppressors to the point that we have to spend -- between the actual tool and the dues to the government -- about $3,000 adjudged for inflation.

The only fathomable reason that the anti-2A people have for this is the claim that suppressors might make it harder to hear an active shooting.

No, this is anti-science.

Suppressors are there so we can use firearms in home defense, in a situation wherein we don't have the opportunity to ask the murderer or rapist to kindly wait for a few moments while we get our ear plugs, before getting our gun -- and not having to worry about going deaf while defending ourselves.

I've accidentally shot my 1911 without knowing that my left ear-plug fell out.

.45 ACP is usually subsonic; but, my ear was damn-well ringing.

If you're a "trust the science" person, for the love of Jeff, just look up the basic numbers regarding decibels regarding firearms.

It doesn't take much work.

People who want to loosen the laws regarding suppressors aren't trying to make it easier to shoot up a bunch of innocent people. I would dare any of you to point to mass shooters who used suppressors.

I'm on the side that took two minutes to look at the actual data.

Guns are scientifically loud.

The opposition seems to have ignored the science entirely.

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