Assualt Rifles

in guns •  7 years ago 

Why are sporting goods stores and online dealers able to sell assault rifles. AFs seem to be used in most of the brutal unnecessary unforgivable shootings. Why is it still legal?

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Because self defense is a Natural Right that can't be voted away by the whim of the majority or dictate.

Might wanna check your statistics.

Handguns are responsible for about twenty times as many homicides as rifles of any kind.

Modern sporting rifles, which is the term to use if you're actually interested in a conversation, are one of the most common, most widely sold firearms platforms available today, with low estimates putting around ten million in personal collections while also being the least common firearm used in violent crimes and homicides, falling under shotguns as well.

The idea that the .223/5.56 round is significantly deadlier than common handgun calibers is also an outright lie.

"Assault rifles" are sold because they are popular, economical, customizable, historical, and useful.

We have "assault rifles" so this shit doesn't happen in the USA.

The 2nd amendment defends the 1st amendment.