What is IPSC [Sports Shooting]

in guns •  7 years ago 

IPSC - International Practical Shooting Confederation

What is IPSC?

The sport was founded in 1976 and soon became an international phenomenon. Allowing responsible gun owners to step up and take the time to further their interests in the sport in various shooting divisions (Standard, Production, Classic, Revolver).

IPSC urges anyone to join an IPSC affiliated club whereby they gain speed and accuracy whilst enjoying the sport. The venue is typically an outdoor range that is not in close proximity to residential areas.

Most clubs setup a few stages on league day and the main objective is to finish the stage in the shortest space of time with accurate shots and no misses. The person with the highest hit factor is the winner. Hit factor refers to a simple calculation of points divided by time.

The rules of the game are very important as safety is priority. Few of the most important rules:

  1. Always point your muzzle down range.
  2. Always listen carefully to the range master.
  3. Pay attention to the angles of the range and not break angles of safety
  4. Keep your finger off the trigger when running or stepping away.
  5. Stay within demarcated areas.

The above mentioned rules are only a few of what is held in the IPSC rule book and is something every IPSC shooter should take the time to read, understand and abide to.

The standard division permits handguns that fits within the IPSC gun box and modifications are permitted with the exception of optic sights and compensators.

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Production division allows little modifications and the gun has to be of double action nature.

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Classic division is fairly new and was introduced to IPSC in 2011.The gun should resemble the design of a 1911.

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This sport is said to be a very addictive and in turn can be expensive, however most sport shooters prefer to invest in reloading equipment whereby they save a lot on just making their own ammo.

IPSC has brought about a discipline with sport shooters and instills safety in every shooter whilst moulding responsible gun owners.

The below are typical IPSC shoots with targets being very similar or almost identical accross the globe to keep inline with IPSC rules.

How points scored ?

Depending on the calibre you shoot you either fall in the Major/Minor class and scored as follows:

Paper Target

Metal Popper - 5 Points when dropped

Metal Plate - 5 Points when dropped

The below are some pictures from a club level shoot that is inline with the IPSC rules and regulations.

The shooter is racking the gun on the run which is a mandatory stipluation on the stage briefing and failure to do so will accumulate penalties.

Shooter is engaging targets as and when they become visible whilst staying in the demarcated area.

Shooter engaging target with weak hand, so you can see that this match also trains you for real life situations which is why every gun owner should be a part of the sport.

Closing Thoughts

If you are someone who loves adrenaline pumping activites and loves being lost in the moment even if it is just a few seconds then I advise you to give IPSC a thought and go try it out

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