Every guntuber of whom I'm aware has made some statement at some point about trying to avoid being demonetized or censored.
I believe them. I probably spend too much time watching what they produce.
Still, since I've watched so much of what they have to demonstrate and say, I have to observe that this is a vindication of the argument that big tech is mostly beholden to sucking leftist dick.
I can't think of a moment wherein Garande Thumb, Brandon Herrera, James Reeves, or the like ever advocated for violence.
I dare anybody to find a mass shooter who has said, "I was inspired by guntubers."
Most mass shooters don't seem to be educated on anything.
Yeah, guntubers make fun content with guns. That's nothing nefarious. Guns are fun. Some of the most fun that I've had in the last six months was going to the range with my elder sister, with a military background, and shooting each other's guns. Every trip that I've made up to Vegas in the last several years has included a trip to a gun range.
Ted Kennedy's car has still killed more people than my guns.
From what I've seen over the years, a lot of the guntuber content is in the Mythbusters category. I don't remember people bitching about The Mythbusters testing firearms by seeing if water would stop bullets, or what would happen if you were to pull a Bugs Bunny and shove your finger in the barrel of a shotgun as it went off.
This is clearly a political issue.
Democrats say stupid shit about guns every day, and guntubers debunk their shit.
After Biden claimed that a 9mm bullet would rip your lung from your body, almost every guntuber with resources got the same ballistics dummies that are used by the FBI in order to test that claim.
Of course, they all proved what every smart person knew -- that Biden was talking out of his ass.
Still, this content, that social media companies are always threatening, is simply demonstrating the same science that our own government is using to a broader population.
For the record, I'm happy to say that I did my own tests on some ballistics gel myself. Granted, I couldn't afford one of the dummies with fake organs and blood and all of that; but, we got to run some tests and see how our ammo penetranted.
Still, if you actually watch these channels that are under constant threat, they produce a ton of content about how to avoid collateral damage and follow the law. They produce a lot of content about the best way to defend yourself without accidentally harming someone else. Some of them are lawyers, like Andrew Branca and James Reeves, who spend a lot of time simply talking about the limits of your right to self-defense, when you're gonna end up in prison if you go too far, and even spend a lot of time testing ammo to figure out which rounds aren't going to overpenetrate and hurt somebody who you don't want to hurt.
So, what's the problem with educating people in regard to any of these subjects?