Apple Cider Vinegar and "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"

in guthealth •  6 years ago 

Apple Cider Vinegar and “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”

Remember how the the father in “My Fat Greek Wedding” was a firm believer in Windex being the fixer of all problems and ailments?
That’s how I have come to feel about Apple Cider Vinegar. A simple Google search will elicit its many (very many) uses but from experience (as I am my own experiment…) it’s amazing for:

  1. Gut Health. I have struggled with gut issues for years and will write about my multiple year battle (that was won with the help of ACV and other natural remedies) with non-stop yeast infections lasting months at a time. Just a couple of tablespoons of ACV in warm water works wonders as a natural probiotic.
  2. Easing sunburn. Wow...this is another funny story that will be need elicitation at some point but I used to have the most horrendous sensitivity to the sun. I couldn’t be outside for more than 5 minutes without getting burned to a crisp. Looking back, I wish that I had taken photos of me looking like overdone bacon purely as some bizarre before and after proof of healing. ACV was a great help on days that left me more than crispy. Diluted in water and dabbed onto clean skin after a lukewarm or cold shower eased the itching and helped with the healing and peeling process.
  3. General tummy upsets/gastro. Even though I’d recommend a daily dose of this stuff, it still helps if you’re experiencing a tummy upset.
  4. Warding off a cold/virus. Know that scratchy feeling at the back of your throat that tells you that you’re about to get...sick? Take a shot of ACV and maybe you won’t need to call a doctor in the morning.

Uses I haven’t tried myself but have seen people swear by:

  • No pooers (as in no shampoo if your mind went straight to the sewer) use diluted ACV as conditioner
  • A natural facial toner to follow cleansing.
  • My mother swore by its weight loss capabilities. She would drink 3 tablespoons every morning in some warm water. At that stage I thought ACV smelled disgusting and that the must have completely lost the plot. Now it’s a staple in my kitchen. Perhaps we’re likely to turn into our parents in some unexpected ways after all...

No doubt I have left out most of its uses. Have you tried this magical elixir? What else do you use it for?

***Needing some energy clearing and/or balancing? Get in touch at [email protected]

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