10 Exercises to Keep You Looking Good While You travel!

in gymnastic •  6 years ago 

Life can’t wait. We're all busy with work, family, and social lives. The one thing that shouldn’t have to suffer is self-care. Exercise and sometimes even meals can fall by the wayside. Travel seems to be the one thing that throws everyone off when it comes to keeping an exercise routine. You don’t want to make too much noise but you want to get a good sweat session in. The good thing is that no matter where you are, you can always incorporate a good workout. Take a look at these 10 moves you can do in your hotel room!

  1. Pushups

This is a classic. This move works your shoulders, chest muscles, triceps, abs, and the “wings” or serratus anterior which is the muscle located just below the armpits. Start in a plank position with hands placed a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body down by bending at the elbows and return to starting by extending the arms and releasing the elbows. Exhale as you lift your body to start position.
*Option: bend knees

  1. Tricep Dips

The major muscles used in this exercise are the triceps, with the biceps assisting. Hold on the body of a chair, with your legs extended out in front and bottom lifted. Engage the core to stabilize, lower the body by bending at the elbows, and return to starting position by extending the arms and releasing at the elbows. Exhale as you press up back to start position.
*Option: bring knees closer to body

  1. Bicycle Crunches

This is the most dynamic ab exercise. It works your lower and upper abs! Lie on your back and place your hands a light touch behind your head, making sure not to pull on the neck. Engage the core and extend the legs. Crunch the abs by lifting the shoulders and bending the knee to meet the opposite elbow. Lead with the shoulders! Then switch sides. Exhale as you crunch.

*Option: basic crunch

  1. Jackknife Crunch

This ab exercise works your entire core! Lie on your back and engage the core to protect the lower spine. Lift the arms and hands to meet the legs and toes by folding at the waist. Exhale as you crunch.

*Option: Rest upper body and reach for touch (Toe Touches)

  1. Oblique Knee Crunch
    We didn’t forget about the oblique muscles in this routine. The full body is engaged in this exercise but the emphasis is on the obliques. Start in plank position (on forearms), bring right knee to meet armpit, then switch legs and repeat on the other side. Exhale as you crunch.
*Option: perform on all fours 


  1. Squats/Curtsey Lunge Combo

This move will put a burn in those legs in no time! Lunge-Squat-Lunge repeat! This exercise works the hamstrings, quadriceps, and glutes. Start with feet shoulder-width apart. Lunge to one side by placing the foot on the back and side, lunge, then return to center for a squat, then repeat on the other side. Exhale as you drive your body back up to start position and squeeze your glutes and legs to create an additional burn!

*Option: Regular lunge with squat/ just a squat or lunge

  1. Glute Bridges

Glutes on fire! This move works your glutes like crazy. Lie on the floor with your knees in a bent position. Squeeze your abs and glutes as you lift your hips toward the sky. Hold at the top for 5 seconds and slowly lower the hips back to the floor for one count. Exhale as you drive your hips upward and inhale at the top and exhale again as you lower, keeping everything squeezed tightly.

*Option: arms out to the side

  1. Calf Raises

Finish off the legs with this move. The calf raises focus specifically on the calves and also recruit the glutes and hamstrings if you squeeze hard enough. Hold on the wall or door for balance if needed. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, squeeze your calves and the back of the legs, and gently rise on to the tips of your toes. Hold for 2 seconds and slowly lower. For an extra burn, you can make these pulses! Lift up on to the tips of your toes and slightly lift and lower without touching your heels to the ground for a count of 15 to 20 reps per set.

*Option: lift half-way or fewer reps

  1. Leg Drops

Leg drops work the lower abs. This area is the most stubborn for a lot of people and this moves helps to tone that section. Place your hands next to our hips or under your hips, engage the core to protect the lower back (this is super important in this move), and bring the legs up just below a 90-degree angle. Slowly lower the legs to hover around six inches above the ground, hold for a second, and then return to starting position, making sure to exhale as you lift the legs.

*Option: bend knees


  1. Plank

This full body isometric exercise is the icing on top of the cake at the end of your workout. This move, if done correctly, will cause a burn in your whole body. Get down to plank position and balance yourself on the forearms. Squeeze from the bottom up starting with your calves, the legs, glutes, core, and then arms. Hold the plank for 30 seconds, or longer if you can! And don’t forget to breathe steadily. In through the nose and out through the mouth.

*Option: perform on knees

Take this work out with you everywhere you travel! No need to skip your exercise routine. You will continue to look great and your neighbors at the hotel won’t even know that you’re next door working out like a beast. This guide will help you to stay fit and push yourself to the next level and you don’t even need equipment. Safe Travels!

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