When a health condition becomes an aesthetic problem, the impact on self-esteem is high. This is the case of gynecomastia, characterized by the growth of the mammary glands in men. The causes for this type of event ranging from hereditary origins, hormonal changes and use of substances such as anabolism steroids.
The big problem is that it usually manifest in adolescence up to 60% of cases occur in puberty, a phase where insecurities are already common among young people. The positive part is that in 80% of cases, there is a spontaneous regression of the breasts up to 18 years. If it does not, there are other alternatives.
What is behind the gynecomastia?
According to plastic surgeon Susane Riboli, gynecomastia is a relatively common condition among the male audience. That's because men have remnants of mammary glands and there are factors that can cause their growth.
The most common manifestation, around 15 to 17 years, is connected with puberty hormones. In this case, the condition is generally transient. But hereditary factors may also have a direct relationship to the condition that, in this context, will require treatment to be circumvented.
External factors also have influence on gynecomastia. The use of anabolic steroids and continuous consumption of alcohol can cause the problem. Rarely, tumors of the pituitary gland (gland in the brain and is responsible for the regulation and production of various hormones) are responsible for the framework.
It is important to consider that there are different degrees of manifestation of gynecomastia:
Grade 1
It is just a slight increase of the mammary gland. Generally, it is only noticeable a protrusion of the areola.
2nd grade
There is a moderate increase in mammary gland, but without excessive skin.
grade 2b
In this case, a moderate increase in mammary gland and excess skin.
grade 3
Note a significant increase in mammary gland with large excess skin. The appearance is of a female breast.
Treatment of gynecomastia depends largely on the degree to which it is presented. So it is essential to have an assertive diagnosis. It can be made clinically and with ultrasound assistance.
Treatment of the condition
In the most aggravated cases of gynecomastia, wherein there is no possibility of the reverse frame without intervention, the plastic surgeon may indicate some procedures. Liposuction is an alternative to reduce the mammary gland. When there is excess skin can also be made an incision around the areola to remove the tissue.
The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia and sedation or general anesthesia: it depends on the patient's will and the size of the surgery to be performed. The procedure takes about an hour and the postoperative period is not very uncomfortable, but requires some care, using elastic mesh for 15 days and do lymphatic drainage sessions.
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