Just now I am going to tell someone's funny story to you to understand how this works.
"I know saying something is life-changing gets thrown around the lot but I do one thing before bed every night that is truly changed my life. now five years ago I was much messier than now, and the one messy thing that bothered me more than anything else was a dirty kitchen because coming down in the morning to have my coffee and being greeted with the dirty kitchen and dishes in the sink is the worst way to start your day.
So I finally made a little agreement that every night to clean my sink no matter how tired or lazy I was. And every morning I came down the stairs and I come to the beautiful sink it started my day so much better.
So how did this task change my life, it was a ripple effect.
I saw how much of a difference just cleaning my sink was every night that wiping out counters and tidying the bathroom when I brush my teeth and laying down clothes for the next day.
It’s easy to put something off for another day because doesn’t seem like that big of a deal but it’s often these small actions repeatedly, day after day that end up making the biggest impacts.
As Aristotle said, we are what we repeatedly do excellence then is not an act but a habit.
There is more value in small actions and repetitions changing your life than anything else."