in hacking •  7 years ago 


Image source:https://pixabay.com/en/hacker-attack-intel-processor-3062252/

Hi friends,I am continuing my post of "BASICS OF ETHICAL HACKING SERIES".
You can read my previous post from this below link:

As I have explained in previous post there are many topics in FootPrinting,So I am continuing it.



  • What are ports?

A port is a virtual pipe through which information flows.A computer can have large number of ports.All ports are numbered and on each port a particular service runs.
In other words,port is a medium for communication between two computers.Every service on a host can be identified by a unique 16-bit number called "port"

some defaults ports are given below:

Port Number Service
7 Ping
21 FTP(File Transfer Protocol)
22 SSH(Secure Shell)
23 Telnet
25 SMTP(Mail)
53 DNS
110 POP3(Mail Access)
513 Rlogin
631 IPP(Internet Printing Protocol)
1433 Microsoft SQL Server
1434 Microsoft SQL Monitor

*what is Port Scanning?

Port Scanning is defined as the art of scanning the target computer to obtain a list of open ports that are in the process of listening for connections.Once a hacker knows all the services running on the target server,he can search for possible vulnerabilities they may have and exploit them to take control of the target website.In the port scanning example,we will use the most popular port sacnner:"NMAP"

FootPrinting To be continued...

Objectives of writing this post:

My main purpose of writing this post is to inform you all that there is no way to completely protect a network unless one knows what he is up against.Only by knowing how an attack happens,and what all an attacker can do to compromise with a machine,individuals and organisations can properly protect their systems.
Legal issues:
I request to all readers to follow legal procedures under all circumstances because you are hacking in to a system.
The government has made it mandatory to get prior permission before running any of the tools against any network.
There are many cyber laws made by the government,we must follow that otherwise It will be considered as a crime.
I have only basic information of ethical hacking learned from internet and by reading various books but I also want to learn it deeply.I want to join some big organization of ethical hacking institutes.But they are very costly.So I am finding a way to earn money and when I have enough money I will take admission to that ethical hacking institutes.
Thank you friends.

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