What is Hacking? How to learn hacking?

in hacking •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hey Guys, you must have heard or heard a lot about computer hacking. But you will not be equal to the detailed knowledge about it. So I'm here to tell you about Computer Hacking in detail. I have some important questions here Before learning about hacking, they usually come to mind, have tried to collect and write it here.

#What is Hacking?

Computer Hacking is a process by which we implement the second goal by modifying any computer software or hardware, the original purpose of the creator. Hacking is the art of declaring the mistake of software Cuey 'Hack' is used mostly for those who are weak in their 'profession', so some hackers tell about the term, that it is offensive and unable to recognize their real skills. .

#Who are the hackers?

A hacker or white hat hacker is also known as Ethical Hacker. It is a computer security expert, which specializes in penetration testing and other testing methods, and ensures that the company's information system is safe or not. These people work in companies and these people are called sneakers.

#Types of Hackers
Hackers are known mainly by 3 types.

White Hat Hacker - We can say good hackers, white hat hackers use their skill to protect other people and company. We know this as a security expert and ethical hackers.
Black Hat Hacker - Black hat hackers, we also know as crackers, they do illegal work by using their skills like account hacking, online phishing etc.
Gray Hat Hackers - Gray hat hacker is made up of black and white hat hackers, they work some time well and some time is illegal to work so they are called gray hat hackers.
What are crackers?
Black hat hackers, which are known as Cracker. These people illegally enter the computer system and execute the profit, fun and illegal work of their benefits. They do this by most data modification and destruction. They can distribute computer virus and internet worm, deliver spam via botnet.

#Who is Script Kiddies?

A script kiddies is a wannabe crackers, these people have work knowledge about how the computer works, but these people enter the computer by adopting a well known and easy technique and important files and data. Can steal.

#What are the skills needed to become a hacker?

There is nothing like a big magic in learning hacking, but like other useful things, it also requires dedication and willingness to learn it. It is very important to be aware of some topics like this, operating system and its working, computer network, programming etc. It is impossible to become a hacker in a day or night, which requires long time duration.

#What is the Best Way to Learn Hacking?

The best way to learn hacking is to start learning basic about it now. There are many books available for learning hacking. But before learning to start hacking, basic knowledge must be about computer programming and security network. For this, internet is the best source.

#How to Protect Your Computer from Hacking?

The basic knowledge about computers such as security network, virus, torjan, spyware.phishing etc. is enough to protect computers from hacking.If you want to learn hacking, then a few steps are given below. By following which you can become a good hacker.

#Step-1: Start from Basic

For the beginner, who does not know anything about hacking. It is better to start with that starting basic. Instead of learning about direct hacking, you should research basics information such as security network, viruses, ports, firewalls, common network protocols like IP address, HTTP, FTP, DNS, SMTP etc.

You can also learn about alternative operating system Linux. Whose knowledge is very important for hacking. Once you learn about basic fundamental. Then you will reach the position where any hacking technique will be easily understood.

#Step-2: Select Good Source to Learn Hacking

If you have good information about hacking, then there are many books that give technical information about the latest vulnerabilities and also tell the possible ways of exploiting it. It is difficult to find a good source for beginner, which teaches hacking from basic. Hacking Secrets Exposed is a great book for a beginner, it teaches beginner without hacking any previous knowledge and it is also very easy to follow step For more information about this book, you can follow its official website.

Tips - With help from MyHindi.Org you can learn hacking, because in the coming articles we will post related article with hacking.

#Step-3: Learn Programming (Optional)

If you want to know more about hacking, then programming is something you can not skip. Even though you can easily use some ready made tools to hacking, but it would be great if you have information about programming language like PHP and JavaScript. Because this allows you to create your own tool and exploit codes.

How Long Does It Take To Master The Skills Of Hacking?

Hacking is not a thing in which you get trained in one night, so you should never hurry. For this you need knowledge, skills, creativity, dedication and time. You can take a few months or a few years to learn it, which depends on you, how much dedication and work you have been working with. If you want to become a hacker, then it will need good resources, learning desire, and guidance.

I hope you have liked my hard work. If you have any problems related to Hacking, then you can ask me through comment. And Friend, please share this article with social media so that my hard work can be successful .

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