Hacking Tools You Can’t Live Without

in hacking •  8 years ago 


an information security professional, your toolkit is the most critical item you can possess — other than hands-on experience and common sense. Your hacking tools should consist of the following (and make sure you’re never on the job without them):
Password cracking software, such as ophcrack, Hydra and John
Network scanning software, such as Nmap
Network vulnerability scanning software, such as GFI LanGuard and Nessus
Network analyzer software, such as Cain & Abel and Wireshark
Wireless network analyzer and software, such as Aircrack-ng and CommView for WiFi
File search software, such as FileLocator Pro and Identity Finder
Web application vulnerability scanning software, such as Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner and WebInspect
Database security scanning software, such as SQLNinja and SQLmap
Exploit software, such as Metasploit

Here are the Top Best Ethical Hacking Tools 2016:

•#1 Metasploit.
•#2 Nmap.
•#3 Acunetix WVS.
•#4 Wireshark.
•#5 oclHashcat.
•#6 Nessus Vulnerability Scanner.
•#7 Maltego.
•#9 Nessus Remote Security Scanner

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