
in hacking •  7 years ago 

I hack Steemit every day. The rewards in STEEM and STEEM dollars are very lucrative.

I will share my secret with you here, so you can do it too….
(Written simply so that even a child could understand)

Create account
Sign In
Wait 24 hour… miraculously STEEM and STEEM dollars appear in wallet
Repeat steps 2-7 as often as you like.
This crypto currency hacking method is fool proof:
No hunting for exploits
No elaborate coding
No twinges of conscience
No irate community
No looking over your shoulder
No regrets
Methods to speed up the STEEM hacking processes:
Take money (or proceeds of other hacks)
Buy bitcoin
Exchange for STEEM
Send to wallet
Power up to STEEM Power
Vote (has more oomph)
Wait 24 hour… miraculously STEEM and STEEM dollars appear in wallet at faster rate
Repeat steps 1-8 as often as you like.
Other spin offs
(if you still have too much time on your hands, now that your hacking is making so much money)

Look for exploits
Resist temptation
Develop solution
Engage with Dev team
Become white hat member of the community
Post about heroic activities
Post about resisting temptation
Post about…… everything
Wait 24 hour… miraculously STEEM and STEEM dollars appear in wallet at an even faster rate
Become the hero
Be worshiped…
Repeat steps 1-11 as often as you like.
So next time you are thinking about hacking for crypto currency, try my simple recipes first.

They work for me….


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Excellent post with real wisdom. Thanks.