EXPERTS: Another Large-Scale Stealthy Cyberattack Underway!

in hacking •  7 years ago 

Get ready for another attack! No matter how much preparation is being made in Info Security, they can never secure their environments. I don't know if North Korea is actually behind these attacks. My gut reaction is that North Korea doesn't have that ability. But who knows.

This could be used as a pretext, or FALSE FLAG to invade.

Here is the article:

Another large-scale, stealthy cyberattack is underway on a scale that could dwarf last week's assault on computers worldwide, a global cybersecurity firm told AFP on Wednesday.

The new attack targets the same vulnerabilities the WannaCry ransomware worm exploited but, rather than freeze files, uses the hundreds of thousands of computers believed to have been infected to mine virtual currency.

Following the detection of the WannaCry attack on Friday, researchers at Proofpoint discovered a new attack linked to WannaCry called Adylkuzz, said Nicolas Godier, a researcher at the computer security firm.

"It uses the hacking tools recently disclosed by the NSA and which have since been fixed by Microsoft in a more stealthy manner and for a different purpose," he said.

Instead of completely disabling an infected computer by encrypting data and seeking a ransom payment, Adylkuzz uses the machines it infects to "mine" in a background task a virtual currency, Monero, and transfer the money created to the authors of the virus.

Virtual currencies such as Monero and Bitcoin use the computers of volunteers to record transactions. They are said to "mine" for the currency and are occasionally rewarded with a piece of it.
Proofpoint said in a blog that symptoms of the attack include loss of access to shared Windows resources and degradation of PC and server performance, effects which some users may not notice immediately.
"As it is silent and doesn't trouble the user, the Adylkuzz attack is much more profitable for the cyber criminals. It transforms the infected users into unwitting financial supporters of their attackers," said Godier.
Proofpoint said it has detected infected machines that have transferred several thousand dollars worth of Monero to the creators of the virus.
The firm believes Adylkuzz has been on the loose since at least May 2, and perhaps even since April 24, but due to its stealthy nature was not immediately detected.
"We don't know how big it is" but "it's much bigger than WannaCry", Proofpoint's vice president for email products, Robert Holmes, told AFP.
A US official on Tuesday put the number of computers infected by WannaCry at over 300,000.
"We have seen that before -- malwares mining cryptocurrency -- but not this scale," said Holmes.
The WannaCry attack has sparked havoc in computer systems worldwide.
Britain's National Health Service, US package delivery giant FedEx, Spanish telecoms giant Telefonica and Germany's Deutsche Bahn rail network were among those hit.
While the rate of new infections has slowed, researchers at cybersecurity firm Check Point said the malware continues to spread rapidly.
And another expert added that despite a quick breakthrough that WannaCry to be slowed down, researchers don't fully understand it.
"The problem is that we're still not certain about the origin of the infections" as contrary to many previous attacks it wasn't via emails which deceive users into installing the virus, said the expert on condition of anonymity.
More attacks could be soon be underway as the hacker group TheShadowBrokers that leaked the vulnerabilities used by WannaCry and Adylkuzz has threatened to publish more.
It said in a post it would begin providing information monthly by subscription in June, saying that in addition to Windows 10 vulnerabilities it would include "compromised network data from Russian, Chinese, Iranian, or North Korean nukes and missile programs".

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Things are getting crazier everyday

After Nixon left the Gold standard back in '71 Gold became the biggest threat to the US Federal Reserve Note what forced the western governments to rig and suppress the PM-Markets for decades. Nowadays Crypto Currencies - especially Bitcoin, rising Ethereum, SegWit activated Litecoin and privacy spending Monero - have overtaken this part of Gold - BEING THAT THREAT! Cryptos can't be rigged like PM because of their decentralized backing. But the fraudulent "leaders" won't stop and do everything to suppress this uprising free and real monetary-CC-system which could and maybe will help us to cut off our chains and balls to once again breathe the fresh and swinging air of a free world!

Since the Cryptos are dependent on the computer systems I guess that it would be great to represent these same computer systems as the wild wild west. Just look at what is happening - media has gone bananas over this topic and it is just like the birds flu. Talk all about it and present info-graphics of how many people could be infected in a matter of days. After some time all you are left with is a big panic that was almost a non-problem. A Trojan horse of of some kind. Interesting how the hackers demand payment in BC.

Great to see you on Steemit David. I was a Moneygps insider from almost the beginning until you had to shut it down. A small donation to you was my first ever Bitcoin transaction. Your YouTube posts helped me to wake up and subsequently my family and friends. Thanks for your dedication to educating people to the truth it inspired me to try to do the same on Steemit

Thank you! I appreciate your support. I'll try to keep up with Steemit in addition to YouTube.

I Do Wonder If These Cyber Attacks Are Some Kind Of Psy-OP...

Glad to see you and my other favorite Youtubers have found your way on here. Keep up the good work!