// Hacking NEWS // A Zero-Day Flaw in MacOS Allows Remote Code Execution (+video)

in hacking •  5 years ago 

With the network sharing function, it is possible to bypass the GateKeeper function, which is supposed to check the authenticity of downloaded software. No patch is available at the moment.

mac-os-x-zero-day-flaw (2).jpg

Researcher Filippo Cavallarin has revealed a zero-day flaw that bypasses the GateKeeper function for macOS (versions 10.14.5 or lower). This protection verifies the origin and authenticity of software downloaded through certificates issued by Apple. If the signature is not authentic or non-existent, the system displays an alert to alert the user that the software is not trustworthy.

However, GateKeeper allows software from an external or networked hard drive to pass without hesitation, as these sources are trusted by default.

The researcher, therefore, had the idea of creating a ZIP executable file and using a symbolic link to point it to an external resource that pretended to come from a network share.

For example: "Documents -> /net/evil.com/Documents". On macOS, such sharing is automatically mounted, and the downloaded software does not cause any alarms from GateKeeper.

No solution is available yet but a possible workaround is to disable automount:

  • Edit /etc/auto_master as root
  • Comment the line beginning with '/net'
  • Reboot

The researcher demonstrated his attack in a Youtube video:

Apple has been alerted to this vulnerability but has not released any patches yet. To avoid being fooled, Filippo Cavallarin recommends deactivating the recommends deactivating the automatic setting up of shared network drives. This procedure requires you to modify a system file in macOS.

Source: Blog note

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