How To Finally Get The Opportunity You Deserve.

in hacks •  6 years ago 

To achieve massive success alot of different factors need to align. We are taught that we need to aquire great skills, offer something unique to the world, somehow gather the resources required to make it all a reality and we need to get a brake.


When I talk about a brake, I mean an opportunity that will create the possibility to use everything you got through hard work and to scale it up to reach the coveted success we so desperately desire.

Our beloved Mark Zuckerberg, got his big break in Harvard because he had the right people around him that helped him to create Facebook and launch it.

This is just one example, every successful person out there got an opportunity because he was surronded by the right people.
Our social circle is an incredibly important factor in the magnitude of our success, sometimes, so important that even someone without much skills can achieve massive success just leveraging on his connections, just recall George W Bush.

The big question is how can we create connections and surround ourselves with the right people?

A thousand books were written on this subject and numerous networking groups exist worldwide to help people create connections, and still most people don't manage to go significantly higher than the level they started at. The answer lies in simple things that people somehow tend to overlook.

For years, I was stepping in place, not being able to raise myself to a new level until one day a change started to happen, a change that brought me to a new city, a new job and a slow and steady rise through the ranks to a whole new level of connections.
Today, I have quite influential people around me and I can see that my future hold great things for me - a new and exciting security business, financial independence and quite a few steps closer to finally starting the project of my dreams and all that is thanks to a change in the people that surround me.

I would like to share with you some guiding lines I followed to change my surroundings and hopefully you can use some of these principles to massively increase the magnitude of your success.

Better to be a tail of a lion than the head of a fox - I have nothing against foxes, but most of us spend our life within a couple of miles from the place we are born at, if you were born in an elite neighborhood in a big city good for you, but the chances are that you were born somwhere else than in a gated community.

I was grew in a pretty bad neighborhood in a blue collar city 40 km away from Tel Aviv. I was doing relatively well with a decent income, a nice apartament and time to myself, and even though I worked in Tel Aviv amost all of the people I spent my time with were what you can call losers. It felt terrible, it was like I was stuck in a glass cage, seeing what I wanted to do but unable to reach it.

I decided to move to Tel Aviv and stop spending my time with people that were going nowhere.
Moving to the big city was a great decision, and although it took me sometime to establish myself, 3 years later I'm much better off - I earn more money, I am surrounded by successful people and I feel much much better.

If the place you are currently living in is holding you back, simply move to where the action is and even though it will be hard at first if you hold out, you will grow and the amount of opportunities that open up to you when you are surrounded by successful, ambitious and creative people will be on a different scale altogether.

_Stay around positive and kind people - No matter where we live, some of us have a tendency to spend time with dubious people. Sometimes, we can feel better about ourselves spending time with a perpetual victim or we can experience an incredible rush talking to a friend with a proposal to make a quick buck. In both cases these people will harm you and poison your mind.

In the big city, I had this buddy, he was older than me and went through an ugly divorce, he was devastated and he was always trying to gain sympathy and support from being a victim of life. At first, I really tried to help him and through a whole year I suffered through his constant winning and pity inducing stories, while giving him a job and moral and physical support.
One day, I realized that no matter how much I helped him, he was simply not willing to move on from being a victim, after a couple of futile conversations, I simply stopped being in touch with him. I felt like I got my energy back and and the new people I let in to my life from that point have only propelled me forward.

Remove from your life all the victims, scammers, liars, pretenders and be around genuine and positive people, they may have problems but they are really trying to solve them, once you do that your brain will be primed to find solutions and positive outcomes, bringing new opportunities and people to your life.

_Think Big - This old cliche is very true, when we think small, we get small and rare opportunities and meet small and un-inspiring people, when we think big, it's like the universe brings the need people and the resources needed to manifest the grand thoughts in our mind.

When I opened my first business, back in 2010, I just wanted to create an average passive income so I don't need to work. It started relatively well with good potential and a nice income but 4 years later I understood that this small and weak goal wasn't enough to excite me and sure as hell wasn't enough to get me what I needed, I said goodbye to my partner and embarked on a new journey to create something big.
Since, I got to meet influential and powerful businessmen and incredible creative and exciting artists and I am now well on my way to make my dream of helping people to create a healthy and fun lifestyle a reality.


These are just some of the steps I took to create more opportunities in my life and finally catch a break and I believe that if you take at least one of these steps you will be much closer to achieving massive success in life.

Thank you for your time.

With love.


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