Is Haejin / StarJuno having some sort of crisis?

in haejin •  6 years ago 

Again, I am puzzled by this strange character.

Why would someone who has so much Steem Power (that he feels the need to boasts about it), use so many different accounts to flag? You're not fooling anyone, we know @starjuno is your account.

He flags, unflags and then flags again... is he becoming a bit unstable? Is this some sort of scare tactic?

@Haejin, I really don't care if you flag me, I am just happy the Steem Power is being wasted and not going to you! So please continue

Screenshot (7).png

Why is he so miserable? He's still making good money

Screenshot (9).png

Maybe because he spends too much time playing with himself?

Screenshot (8).png

Maybe instead of flagging people, you could try make some friends and upvote a few.

PS. Your investment advice (which is financial advice - per the SEC regulations), is poor and anyone who takes time to look at your historic performance against the market can see that


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It's kind of weird. All these downvotes and unvotes seemed to be done manually. That just seems time consuming and petty to a degree.

I think he has issues, feel a bit sorry for him to be honest

Nah. He can't hear you over how much money he's earning.


I will fix that soon ;)

Is upvoting oneself considered to be bad?

I haven't done it so far because it feels like high-fiving myself, but I have seen quite a lot of people doing it. Not sure if there is some kind of etiquette there.

As long as you still upvote other people it isn't really a problem.
The problem with haejin is that he is never curating someone else.

Okay, I can see why that would make someone unpopular with the ladies.

I will keep an eye open for how other people keep handling that whole "Self-Upvote" thing. It somehow doesn't feel right to me, but if it really is accepted and even encouraged perhaps, I should probably do it too.

You're both an Investor and user of the STEEM blockchain. You are free to upvote or flag as you feel appropriate.

Generally, as long as someone isn't abusing self voting by trying to get themselves larger rewards than would normally be expected for that type of post, there isn't a problem.

Thanks for the advise. I will keep that in mind.

It’s all a matter of perspective. I self upvote all my posts. That sounds greedy. But my self upvote is only 5,7% in total. If you look at certain big players out there , they have an self upvote of more than 90%....THAT is greedy.

Your posts but not your comments as I see. Is there something up with that?

Usually I don’t upvote my comments because I don’t spend hours writing it so I don’t need rewards for it. But sometimes I upvote them if I think it’s important.

And bad for the platform.

If those with STEEM power just vote for themselves, why should new users bother getting involved?

It's like inviting someone to your house for dinner so they can watch you eat