RE: Let's all tell @haejin how much he sucks and how terrible his TA is!

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Let's all tell @haejin how much he sucks and how terrible his TA is!

in haejinthefraud •  7 years ago 

Nice Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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stop commenting briefly, be smart in commenting. Read the title and content of the author, if you want to be respected. Have nice day to you bro...

Nice reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahahaha, I don't know why people can't see this. I've always thought this was common sense. But oh well, I started well in that respect. Maybe we're out of the norm and these low-level responses are actually what's to be expected from the average member of society? :O

Things like that are really irrelevant. The author has a message in his post. Visitors just commented "nice post" or "good post". do they read it? I conclude that they have no ethics in commenting. Have a nice day my sister :)

average member of society hahaha liked what you say a lot and if I think the same and it happens to me, I do not need anyone to show me that I have to have a little attention or respect or at least not lose all my respect , in the comments at least leave something with a little sense or not look like a bot, some seem to just copy and paste and believe that everything will be fine ahahahaha

The problem with me is that I use a translator because I do not speak English and my comment probably sounds a bit strange but I'm sure something is understood.

It is perfectly understood, if a bit weird. <3


acabo de mirar tu perfil eres venezolana, podria averme ahorrado usar el traductor jejeje

¡Holis! Yo como hablo inglés bien no me preocupo mucho por eso jajaja. Pero sí he visto que a muchos venezolanos les cuesta adaptarse a este ambiente por el idioma. Yo solo pongo posts en inglés, lamentablemente para la mayor parte de los venezolanos. Pero como mi comunidad es bilingüe, no me hace tanto daño, y en general lo prefiero para escribir literatura. ¿Cuánto tiempo tienes en Steemit? Me llevas unos cuantos niveles de reputación.

estoy desde diciembre del 2016, la reputacion aun no la termino de entender bien no se muy bien como se gana o como se pierde, saludos desde españa!

