The body positivity movement is now against body positivity.

in haes •  3 years ago 


This is fairly personal for me; so, forgive me if I'm rather loquacious.

I'm deeply offended by most of the "body positivity" movement. This isn't to say that I'm in favor of bullying people either for being underweight or overweight. Quite the opposite.

I know what it's like to be overweight and made fun of because of it. It's not fun in any way. When I was in elementary school, I spent a summer with my butt on the couch and eating what I wanted to; so, I got heavy. I, to use the word that my bullies used, was downright "pudgy" until high school when I joined the football team. After a couple of years of football, I was still heavy - I'm about 5'11" and I was 245 pounds, still, the ridicule mostly stopped because I could also bench press 315. Bullies tend to shut up when you could break them in half. After high school, I changed my exercise and diet habits and dropped to about 160 pounds. I've gained some of it back because I'm not working out six days a week like I used to and I'm not eating oatmeal mixed with protein powder as late night snacks anymore.

So, I've been though this journey with my body. I've been through the ridicule. I know what it's like.

Why would I have issues with the body positivity movement?

Well, first of all, I went through a period of my life when I was unhealthy, then a period of my life that was remarkably healthy, then I started killing myself with alcohol for a bit, now I'm trying to get back to healthy living. That changes your body. I'm not saying that we should bully people; I'm just saying that we should be honest.

The body positivity movement has flipped from an anti-bullying mentality to being the bullies. Nobody with a brain can deny that people like Tess Holliday would be shamed by the activists if she tried to lose weight. We've already seen it happening when "influencers" have announced that they're trying to lose weight due to doctor's recommendations, they get shunned by the community for trying to be healthy.

It's also built on lies. It wasn't healthy for me to be getting the full pound burger at Fuddruckers. You can't be healthy at any size. Most of us can change our bodies by making better decisions. The body positivity movement is now against body positivity. They've started bullying people into bad health and bad habits.

Why can't we be polite without lying?

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