Try to participate at Mizu No Oto - Every Image Has Its Haiku - Edition #27 (English)

in haikucontest •  6 years ago 

[photo by @marcoriccardi]

This is my entry for haiku contest @bananafish, you can read the details of this contest here

The water of life

Bring a boat into my heart

The boat of my dreams

> > > > > > > < < < < < < <

Angin tenggara tampak genit
Menggoda sampan lekas menepi
Berbasah peluh aku mengayuh
Melawan goda biar menjauh

Namun apa daya, sampan perlahan luluh
Sejenak aku memandang langit nun jauh
Memberi waktu burung camar berkesah keluh
"Biarkan sampan bersauh, lekas engkau berlabuh"

Dan disinilah aku, duduk termenung
Merenung menyingkap tabir
Bercengkrama dengan seekor burung camar,
Memandang sampan perlahan tenggelam, tertelan kehidupan

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Welcome back! I appreciated your haiku and the Indonesian poem too (or at least, I appreciate what I understand with an online translator)

thank you @bananafish, also thanks for your contest.