Years ago, there was an infomercial that used to be on TV a lot, especially late at night. It was an infomercial that was introducing a new hair product called RIO. It was kind of like a hair relaxer, but the people in the ad said that it was much safer than regular relaxers, and one of them even tried to prove it by tasting the product, which had a white creamy texture. (It was later discovered to be yogurt that the scammer had tasted.)
There were millions of people, mostly women, who'd ordered that product. It cost about $40 a box. But within just a few months, several users of the product started experiencing things such as hair loss, breakage and discoloration. One of my relatives even said that her hair had turned orange after she'd used the product, then it started falling out.
Within a year or so, there was a class action lawsuit against the company that sold this terrible product. My relative and a friend of mine were one of the hundreds of people who were suing them. The settlement that the lawyers got was in the millions, but the victims mostly just got their money back and a couple of hundred dollars for their troubles.
It's good that this scam was revealed and that those hustlers had to give all the money back, but after everything was over, I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that my relative's hair had turned orange. We both laughed at it. I told her and my friend that they should have never trusted something they'd seen on an infomercial to be 100% trustworthy.