And, it's this protein that gives the hair its strength and structure. Thus, striking a balance between moisture and protein is essential to having bouncy, defined curls. Too much moisture can leave your hair limp, mushy and lifeless while too much protein can cause it to be brittle and straw-like
addition to your hair not getting better overnight when recovering from overload…it’s important to note that overload doesn’t happen overnight either. It’s typically formed as a result of symptoms being ignored over time.
If you pay attention to what you’re using and what your hair needs, you can stop your hair from going into overload before it happens.
So let’s discuss how we can achieve balance! As previously mentioned, as you style in a typical week, your metaphorical scale will start to tip one way or another.
Let’s say I wash 3 times a week. For two of those washes, I style with a high protein gel ONLY.
At the end of the week, my hair might be tipped toward a little bit too much protein. It won’t be overloaded, and it’ll still look great, but it’ll be in need of a little moisture.
In order to bring myself back to baseline, I might deep condition during my third wash, or rotate my products and use a low protein styler. The key is that I fixed my problem BEFORE my hair became overloaded with protein.
Let’s say I wash three times with a super moisturizing cream and a gel with no protein. At the end of the week, my hair might be in need of a little protein. To bring myself back to baseline, I might do a rice water rinse, or rotate my products and use a high protein