Post Hair Transplant - What to Expect ?

in haircare •  6 years ago

Hair transplant is gaining popularity day by day. But being a surgical process, it has its share of side effects. Let's take a look at them

1. Hair fall (again!)

Hair transplant in India has become a popular choice .But it has some side effects, one of which is hair fall. True, you underwent the surgery for countering hair fall but the truth is that post surgery too you will experience some amount of hair fall. This will subside after a few months. It is a normal process and happens to many patients. Sometimes patients might lose hair as a shock reaction to the surgery. Though such cases are rare, the hair regrows within a few months.

2. Blood loss

Any surgical process leads to some amount of blood loss. The blood loss occurs due to small nicks and cuts. Doctors ensure that minimum blood loss is thereby using gauzes. The patients should inform the doctor if he is on blood thinners or has any problem related to bleeding.

3. Infection

Although there are minimum chances of infection if you are in the care of an experienced medical team, a short course of antibiotics is administered to rule out any chances of infection setting in.

4. Pain

Pain is a usual side effect of a surgery, whether major or minor. Hair Transplant also causes pain which subsides after a few days.FUT patients might experience pain for a longer period of time. Despite the use of anesthesia and sedatives, some pain is experienced by the patient. A course of painkillers ensures that the pain goes away after some time.

5. Itching

Some patients experience itching too as scab formation is common after the transplant surgery. It can be tackled by using sprays and using a medicated shampoo. Like other symptoms, itching also vanishes with the passage of time.

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