Shady in Haiti 4 - The Order of Malta

in haiti •  8 years ago 

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta


The Sovereign Order of Malta


The Knights of Malta


The Order of Malta


These are the official titles given to the Roman Catholic military order, established in 1099, it is the world's longest surviving chivalric order.

Tuitio fidei et obsequium pauperum

"Defense of the (Catholic) faith and assistance to the poor"

In Organ Harvesting in Haiti Part 1 & Part 2, we learned that the Order of Malta was one of the sponsors for the Sacred Heart Hospital in the town of Milot, Haiti.

The Sacred Heart Hospital is supported by CRUDEM Foundation (Center for Rural Development of Milot) which are funded and supported by:

  • The State Department
  • CDC
  • The Mayo Clinic
  • The Order of Malta

Digging deeper into the activities of the Order of Malta in Haiti turned up more than I initially anticipated. A big thank you to @jimbobbill for providing me with a link to this Ezili Danto piece that touched upon many of the topics I was looking into.

The Quake, CRUDEM and the Order of Malta

CRUDEM is a 501(c)(3) charity founded by two knights of the Order of Malta from St. Louis, Missouri, Theodore Dubuque, MD and Carlos Reese.

The American Association of the Order provided $470, 000 for CRUDEM ‘s earthquake efforts in 2010.
$175, 000 to assist in rebuilding shelters?

LEADERS Knights Order of Malta Haiti.pdf(1).png
LEADERS Knights Order of Malta Haiti.pdf(3).png
LEADERS Knights Order of Malta Haiti.pdf(4).png

Knights and Dames of the Order of Malta also supported the work of other organizations after the quake sending medical supplies and food aboard a 757 cargo plane in disaster relief from Florida.

Hope for Haiti   Google Maps.png

Hope for Haiti in Naples, Florida, whose ranks include Dames and Knights of the Order of Malta in their organization, also were involved in the relief effort to support the Haitian people after the disaster.

The American Association of Malta gave an additional $160, 000 to Hope for Haiti a 4 star charity for their relief efforts in Haiti.

This makes the Order a more significant contributor to the CRUDEM and the Sacred Heart Hospital than previously known.

Hope for Haiti – Florida

The Order of Malta supports numerous projects around the world through Malteser International , Knights of Malta international humanitarian relief service which is also very active in conflict zones such as Syria.

malteser int.png

As well as funding the Sacred Heart Hospital in Milot for over 6 year the Order also provides support to other charities based in Haiti, like L'efant de l'espoir / ENEPHA (Child of Hope) orphanage in Jacmel in southern Haiti and Claretian Missionary in the Nazon district of Port-au-Prince.

Enfants de l Espoir Pour Haiti   ENEPHA   Home   Facebook.png

Enfants de l Espoir Pour Haiti   ENEPHA   Home   Facebook(1).png

Jacmel   Google Maps(1).png

"The Order of Malta has concentrated much of its humanitarian and medical aid on children, orphans and mothers who had survived…

Preying on Haitian Street Boys

Some of the most vulnerable people in this world are homeless and abandoned children without family. This is true of all societies. Inevitably, they face dangers and choices that most of us cannot even fathom. In order to survive, they may have to put themselves at the mercy of others despite the risks. Those that prey on the desperate situation of the homeless in the poorest country in the western hemisphere, while masquerading as saviors, are truly the lowest of the low.

Douglas Perlitz

  • Children's Charity – Project Pierre Toussaint – founded in 1997
  • Project located in Cap Haitian (northern Haitian port city)
  • Program received Start up funding from the Knights of Malta
  • Also received funding from: Fairfield University and the Society of Jesus
  • Haitian street boys were being taught / fed /clothed at the program
  • Perlitz admitted to sexually abusing at least 8 underage students.
  • Serving 19 years after pleading guilty to traveling overseas to engage in sex with a minor.
  • 12 million dollar civil suit against Mayfield University, Knights of Malta and Society of Jesus concerning the sexual abuse of 23 Haitian boys.

A $12 million settlement has been reached in the civil cases arising out of the sexual abuse by Douglas Perlitz on at least 23 abandoned Haitian street boys who were being taught, fed and clothed in a three-phase program funded by wealthy Fairfield and Westchester County Catholics and promoted by Fairfield University, the Knights of Malta and the Society of Jesus, New England.

The settlement ended three months of negotiations between lawyers for both sides. The settlement money comes from insurance policies and will be spread out over a series of years. It expected that a monitor will be appointed to dispense the money.

Perlitz, who created the program he named Project Pierre Toussaint, is serving a 19-year, seven month federal prison sentence after pleading guilty to traveling overseas to engage in sex with a minor. His program, which began in 1997 with start up funds from the Knights of Malta, grew into a three phase program with an enclosed residential school that taught abandoned Haitian boys farming, carpentry, roofing, plumbing and other needed trades in one of the world's poorest nations.

Source: CT Post

The allegations of sexual abuse came to light in August 2007, when some students began writing graffiti alleging sexual abuse by Perlitz on building walls in Cap-Haitien. Several then went public with the story to Cyrus Sibert, a Haitian journalist and host of a radio talk show.

On Tuesday, six former students, all victims of Perlitz's abuse, wrote the chapter on courage by describing their years of sexual abuse to the judge. The boys, speaking in their native Creole, which was translated to the judge, related how they would be invited to Perlitz's home, sometimes on their birthday or just before a holiday, sometimes after school on Friday afternoons and sometime when they became disruptive in school.

There, the nightmarish acts would occur. Some would awaken to his abuse, others would be asked to perform sex with him, and some would consent to demands for fondling and for being fondled. To resist could mean expulsion from the program, they said.

Just how many were abused is unknown. The prosecution said they could document 16 cases, but believe there were more.

One boy told how he and others would hear Perlitz's footsteps in their dormitory room and feign sleeping or look for a hiding place "so he wouldn't sleep with us."

"He never made love to us, he made hate," the boy said.

In this case, at least the child rapist was brought to justice, but the amount of damage this single individual caused is horrible. It makes you wonder just how wide spread this kind of abuse is throughout Haiti.

The majority of these crimes against street children probably go completely unnoticed and even more rarely punished.

Who are the Knights of Malta?


"[They] are all members of, or at least supporters of, Knights of Malta."

-Sy Hersh about JSOC General Stanley McChrystal and Vice Admiral William McRaven

Brief History of the Order of Malta

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta is a Roman Catholic organization based in Rome with around 13,000 members worldwide. The group was founded in 1048 by Amalfian merchants in Jerusalem as a monastic order that ran a hospital to tend to Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land. At the height of its power, the order was also tasked by Rome with the additional military function of defending Christians from the local Muslim population. The Knights of St. John were just one of a number of Christian military orders founded during this period — including the fabled but now defunct Knights of Templar.

Despite its name, the Knights haven’t had any military function since leaving Malta. Instead, the order has gone back to its charitable roots by sponsoring medical missions in more than 120 countries.

When the order was founded, knights were expected to take a vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience upon joining. Nowadays, obedience is enough. Membership is still by invitation only, but you no longer have to be a member of the nobility. In recent years, the organization has become increasingly American in membership. The leader of the order, referred to as the prince and grand master, is elected for life in a secret conclave and must be approved by the pope.

Despite having no fixed territory besides its headquarters building in Rome, the order is considered a sovereign entity under international law. It prints its own postage stamps and coins — though these are mostly for novelty value — and enjoys observer status at the United Nations, which classifies it as a nonstate entity like the Red Cross. The Knights maintain diplomatic relations with 104 countries. The order does not have official relations with the United States, though it has offices in New York, for the United Nations delegation, and Washington, for its representation at the Inter-American Development Bank.

“Despite having no fixed territory besides its headquarters building in Rome, the order is considered a sovereign entity under international law.”

World’s Rarest Passport

Order of Malta Diplomatic Passport

Once again, we see that diplomatic immunity applies to the holders of these passports. In Shady in Haiti Part 3 I speculated and discussed the possible use of diplomatic shipping services as it relates to human trafficking.

Purported Members of the Knights of Malta

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

George H. W. Bush

Alan Greenspan

Henry Kissinger

Allen Dulles

William F. Buckley Jr.

Rudy Giuliani

Noam Chomsky

William Randolph Hearst

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Jeb Bush

Precott Bush, Jr.

Silvio Berlusconi

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands

Queen Elizabeth II

Rupert Murdoch

Benito Mussolini

Philippe of Belgium

Augusto Pinochet

Eric Prince

Nelson Rockefeller

David Rockefeller

Antonin Scalia

Photo of Order w/ Pope

The Jesuits

Activist and lawyer Elizi Danto has written extensively on how the western elite continue to wage war on the people of Haiti through neocolonialism by seizing control of the levers of power in government, police and the use of UN occupying forces. Carving up the natural resources of the island nation among foreign entities. Rape, pedophilia, human trafficking, drug smuggling, organ harvesting and incarceration are all part of the instruments of subjugation and control.

Danto has no illusions about the Order of Malta and their presence in Haiti.

The Jesuits and Catholic Church own more land in Haiti than any other entity except for the Haitian government. There’s no doubt their schools, properties and Order of Malta affiliated orphanages and guest houses in Haiti are a hotbed for pedophilia and traumatizing Haiti children not just through their fake history as do-gooders but through rape and sexual molestation.

Though the focus of this piece is not on organ harvesting, it is still a part of the unfolding crimes committed against the Haitian people, and children in particular, that only seems to intensify. Much of the suffering in Haiti today can be attributed to the organizations that claimed to be providing humanitarian assistance - MINUSTAH (DynCorp) police, State Department/USAID/Clinton Foundation (de)stabalizaiton efforts Caracol Sweatshops, Prison construction projects, UN troops introducing Cholera to Haiti, CDC sponsored vaccinations, Knights of Malta sponsored abuse, ans suspected organ harvesting opertions.

“Cholera is an infection of choice for those unfortunately slated for organ harvesting. Cholera doesn’t really harm the organs, but allow them to pull the plug when they claim the child is at death’s door.” — Pah abe

In our work at Èzili’s HLLN, we have evidence and do know about cholera as a cover for organ trafficking.
The plastic cholera body bags are used to transport the dead UN-cholera victims from Haiti to the US for the Universities, pharmaceutical companies and their UN/NGOs involved in the criminal trade. Some may not know where the organs are coming from, but they’d have to be brain dead not to know it’s a melanated organ.

Some of you will remember, I noted that a reliable source informed us, back in 2010, at the outset of the cholera outbreak that USAID’s first “relief” dollars for the cholera victims went to buy 200,000 body bags!

You may also recall, the incident, when the doctors at Mirebalais we questioned about why the bodies of those who were said to die of cholera were not returned to the families of the cholera victims for at least a funeral? We were suspiciously stonewalled. Then finally told it was because they were getting properly buried by the doctors and staff, in body bags to avoid further contamination of the earth. And when we said why can’t the grieving families (who had wanted us, as lawyers and justice activists, to ask these questions) attend those funerals or “disposal” activities. No answer. More, on State sides, we have confirmation of the uses of those body bags filled with Haitian “remains” a bit as described by this commentator below. For I’ve known the international criminals to cut out kidneys from victims, put it on ice in their igloo coolers, dump the bodies down the ravines of Mirebalais and Thomazeau, fly out the organ parts on military planes to their wealthy waiting clients in the Middle East, NY, Florida and California.

A great portion of human trafficking happens at oil rigs, at the over 1000 US military basis around the world, and on the high seas for the pleasures of sick oligarchs and their servants who use the women and children and sometimes, discard the bodies at sea.

Additional Sources

CT Post


Fairfield Citizen


The Independent


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Although I have my doubts on the names compiled by Eric Samuelson as being all Knights of Malta, it seems like Wikipedia's two pages list includes another name of interest to your post.

It is not mention in the man's main article, but Jimmy Savile does figure along these other names as an SMOM member. What his personal Wikipedia article mentions though:

Savile was honoured with a Papal knighthood by being made a Knight Commander of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of Saint Gregory the Great (KCSG) by Pope John Paul II in 1990. After the scandal broke, the Catholic Church in England and Wales asked the Holy See to consider stripping Savile of the honour. In October 2012, Father Federico Lombardi told BBC News:

[The Holy See] firmly condemns the horrible crimes of sexual abuse of minors, [and the honour] in the light of recent information should certainly not have been bestowed ... As there does not exist any permanent official list of persons who have received papal honours in the past, it is not possible to strike anyone off a list that does not exist. The names of recipients of papal honours do not appear in the Pontifical Year Book and the honour expires with the death of the individual.

The Pope meets Jimmy Savile in 1982.

Jimmy Savile: Catholic Church seeks to strip star of Papal knighthood (The Telegraph - 26 Oct 2012)

Jimmy Savile could become the first person to be stripped of a Papal knighthood posthumously after the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales asked the Vatican to investigate removing the honour.

Jimmy Savile....nice find!
You're probably right about the list of members but I'm sure tha the list does in fact include many prominent figures.

Just like the vatican, it's not surprising that the Order of Malta has members engaged in child abuse and pedophilia.

My uncertainties with the names revolve mostly around the people with a jewish background, since it's a chivalric order for christians.

  • Noam Chomsky (born to middle-class Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants)
  • Henry Kissinger (was a Jewish refugee who fled the Nazi regime)
  • Alan Greenspan (his father, Herbert Greenspan, was of Romanian Jewish descent, and his mother, Rose Goldsmith, was of Hungarian Jewish descent)

But everything is possible. In the names you putted out, those are on both web sites:

  • Benito Mussolini
  • William F. Buckley Jr.
  • Philippe of Belgium
  • Queen Elizabeth II (she is at the apex of the Order of Saint John as its Sovereign Head, it is a protestant faction of the catholic Order of Malta, a separate branch much like the old German Protestant Der Johanniterorden)

Some other names I recognized or of interest which are mentionned on Wikipedia's list, and who don't particularly appear as nobility at first sight (prior to the 1990s, all officers of the Order had to be of noble birth (i.e., armigerous for at least a hundred years)):

  • Alexander Haig (ex - White House Chief of Staff, U.S. Secretary of State & NATO Supreme Commander)
  • William J. Donovan (wartime head of the OSS, the precursor to the CIA)
  • William J. Casey (Director of Central Intelligence from 1981 to 1987)
  • Pat Buchanan (another important American conservative figure like William F. Buckley Jr.)
  • Vince Lombardi (the NFL's Super Bowl trophy is named in his honor)
  • Rick Santorum (a U.S. Republican Party presidential nominee in 2012 and 2016)
  • Keith O'Brien (a retired Scottish Roman Catholic Cardinal who resigned after allegations he had engaged in inappropriate and predatory sexual conduct with junior priests and student priests)
  • Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (President of the French Republic from 1974 until 1981)
  • Michael Ancram (letters published in 2012 by Wikileaks show that Ancram was at that time Chairman of Le Cercle, a foreign policy think-tank specialising in international security)

Thanks for all of your research.
Something confuses me though. You said that they transport the dead cholera bodies to the US for organ harvesting.

However from what I have learned you have to still be alive to harvest an organ. They will declare you brain dead, but the person's heart and organs are still functioning.

Some of this is talked about in this video/article that I made about using aborted babies to create vaccines:

They actually will deliver the baby alive (water bag method) during an abortion so that they can take the body parts that they need while the baby is still alive, and without anesthesia will cut it up.
Totally disgusting!

Yes, it can be confusing.
There are numerous possibilities though.

  1. The hospital facilities at Mirebalais and Milot could be used as sites for harvesting and transplants (the recipient would make a trip to Haiti for the procedure).
  2. The bodies could be kept on life support (brain dead) and shipped to another destination (Florida) via plane or boat. [like you mentioned]
    The floating hospital ships like the Comfort could also be used as well for (1&2).
  3. The body parts that are harvested may not be vital organs every time (corneas, skin, tendons, etc)

You are correct that live donors are preferred, which makes the first options more likely.

What you just described about the pretty sickening. I haven't looked into that so far...disgusting is right.

From the information that I have seen organ harvesting is done after death with the exception of a kidney. Time is certainly critical, the organs are iced and quickly flown to the recipient. George Webb, a good investigator that posts on YouTube and CrowdSourcetheTruth indicates that kidnapped victims in human trafficking can be held waiting for very fresh harvesting. Haitians are reportedly used in this manner, along with others. The Mayo Clinic is suspected of also being involved though I doubt if more than a very few employees know anything about it. Many more investigators and whistleblowers need to step forward in all of this. It's a process of bringing all of it into the light of the collective consciousness in order to effect the necessary changes.

Great expose' of The Order of Malta, as always using the humanitarian cover for shady objectives! Didin't know about the diplomatic immunity, that's why they seem to be untouchable!
They became superpowerful when the Pope gave them most of the lands and properties across Europe which belonged to the Knights Templar, Portugal excluded. Since then they've become probably the most powerful group, though they are still under the Jesuit General as we've seen with the recent dismissal of their GrandMaster.
They also have influence in Freemasonry through the York Rite, and have been the link between the Freemasons and the Jesuits. All recent Popes have been Freemasons anyway so now they're pretty much on the same team regardless.

It all starts with these sick secret societys somehow.
This sentence made me shiver. It's so dark and true...

....but the amount of damage this single individual caused is horrible. It makes you wonder just how wide spread this kind of abuse is throughout Haiti.

We all know that where there's smoke there's fire.

@fortified The more you think about it the more sickening it is.
Thats why its so convenient for the masses to just IGNOR or even DENY this kind of thing. Its just to horrible to be true....Yet despite all the details and facts this general sentiment IS true amongst the global super powers. All people with such extreme power share common traits.
I personally do NOT like to think about this stuff but have made it a point to investigate to see degree and also face the darkness of it. I feel much more at peace knowing the truth even if its a dark truth than hiding in the dark~*~

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Agreed, but I don't know if the Order of Malta was ever a secret society... but certainly some elements are secret such as their membership / true purpose of their 'humanitarian' work.

Your piece on the Society of Cincinnati is very illuminating in regards to the prevalence of secret societies and their long histories. There are numerous examples - Bilderberg / Skull and Bones / CIA dark ops / Freemasonry / illuminati / Opus Dei / etc.

I think it is vital to drag these secret organizations out into the light of day... so they can be revealed for what they truly are

@v4vapid Couldn't agree more. Your doing your part thats for sure.

Thanks @v4vapid for your work in informing others about the corruption and degradation that has been occurring for too long in society. A point I would like to make is that it is a relative minor percentage of members of some of the organizations that are commonly cited that actually are engaged in such depredations. My father became a member of the Freemasons and went up through the ranks to become a 33rd degree Shriner and held a number of posts. For him it was a purely social and civic participation as well as for the vast majority of that membership.

Recently I came across the expression "useful idiots", a term of obvious contempt, which was said to be coined by Lenin. Significantly many groups can serve as a camouflage for those embedded in dark activities, the US Congress certainly comes to mind (as a potential new addition) along with the CFR, Jesuits and others which are on the somewhat standard lists. However I wonder about the mistrust and incredibility that arises when these groups and the perhaps "useful idiot" members are listed as a homogeneous whole?

Granted such groups with smaller memberships as the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei may be far more concentrated. Yet a more precise laser surgery might be called for in identifying which parts are malignant or it tends to be deflected as misinformation.

It is absolutely disgusting what Douglas Perlitz has done.
I don't know how people can pull themselves to do something horrible to young innocent pure children who just need help but all they get is being ridiculed with pain.
It is even worse when you have rich corporations bring in and using diseases like cholera to ultimately kill someone so they can harvest their organs.
It really sickens me to see that people on this earth are willing to do this for prestige and monetary gain.
I hope a day comes when we won't have to worry about these atrocities.

Yeah, it's really depressing stuff really. I think he was like an honors student at Fairfield Uni and graduated at the top of his class. Kind of like a golden boy... the school got behind his project and raised millions of dollars i believe. (also some was unaccounted for, maybe 120 ,000USD.)

I went down to Haiti in January and was able to spend 10 days there. The corruption is rampant. The U.N is despised by most because all the child trafficking, poisioning of clean water. Let is not even go into the clinton foundation. You could go on and on about the secretive nature of these orders (jesuits maltas ) and the hurt that is caused

Yep all connected and hiding behind charities as fronts. Remember when the tidal wave hit Thailand. Pres Bush and Clinton were on tv urging people to send money. Just like the Shriners hospitals. If you want to help people give to a local church at serves directly to missions to people. I used to work with a minister at my old job who was a Haitian minister living in Florida. He would ship food and clothing and in a shipping container to Haiti. He would travel there personally to make sure it got to the people he was trying to help. He said when he sent the stuff to a local Haitian church the pastor would sell the goods. My church is collecting for famine relief in Nigeria. None of the money goes to the Foursquare Church organization. John, my pastor, is personally involved in the missionary management. They make sure the support goes directly to the people we are trying to help!

hello my friend nice post im pharmacy student and i make the post about medical topic and treatment good luck. wish the best for you and your family

Wow.....Just wow......

very good, thank you!


1099?? Quite historic.

I wish they are actively present in countries around the world.


I like your post @v4vapid
Good job...

great post about this rare history about Haiti , i didnt know about. I personaly donated during hairian earthquake to redcorss and hoped that all things were properly utilised. God bless haitians..

It's so ugly at the top. I came on steemit and stated that I wouldn't write about this shit, but it's really the only news to talk about, the unspoken news. Outside of investing in cryptos.

It's so far from conspiracy theory, it is in fact a global conspiracy of the elites. Their behavior strays so far from the norm, that the average person couldn't even begin to believe what they read or hear, therefore avoiding the monstrous information.

really amazing ...

interesting post @v4vapid. I didn´t have any idea of this in Malta. It is good for me to learn more about other cultures. Thnxs so much for posting this great job and provide information I couldn´t find too critical, original and fresh on google, for example. Greetings!

I think sexual harrasment is just not being human. These sexual harresment is being on every newspaper add, I think those who are a victim of it should not be afraid of the person who has occured such horrifing things done to innocent children. They should be bold enough to tell the media about such incidence.
Really heart breaking incident.
Upvoted and Resteemed

Great post, thanks for sharing!
Im following you !
Resteeming this to my followers. Hope it helps a little.

I just posted a whistleblower testimony from a Senior British Policeman who claims he was repeatedly stopped from pursuing prosecution of Child Rape/Murder/Prostitution Gangs in England by his bosses. I am not aware of anything similar anywhere on the web.

Interesting post. You have a lot of visuals too, which enhances the read nicely. Good job :) Talk soon.

Great post. upvoted and resteemed. Please visit my blog @bikash-tutor. Thank you.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment