Sound Design in Games: Half Life

in halflife •  7 years ago 

This is a video I originally uploaded on the 27th January 2018 on YouTube (


I wrote an introduction article on my Steemit blog! (

Half Life is an industry defining game. In this video I take a closer look into the sound design of Half Life. What do you think of the video? Please tell me in the comments!

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Half Life Cut Sound Library

Kelly Bailey Biography

What is a DSP?

VOX voice lines by MarphitimusBlackimus

Grunt Speech System by MarphitimusBlackimus (should apply to VOX aswell)

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You're right. It's not loading. The case is that these load to a server for about 2 weeks, get compressed, THEN they go to the IPFS network - which is like torrents. In a certain timeframe, if you have no peers or seeds for the blockchain data, then the video is impossible to watch. That's why.. I think Dlive might be a better solution.