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Half life is one of my favorite game, though the part 2 seems not to have ended how i was expecting it too

They never even finished Half-Life 2, lol.

At the 2015 Game Development Conference event, Valve and HTC announced a partnership to create a virtual reality lens. Continuing the partnership, Valve recently said that they are experimenting with the legendary game, Half Life, on their latest virtual reality goggles.The news was confirmed by Kotaku who had interviewed a Valve programmer named Jeep Barnett. In the interview, Barnett said that he and his team are indeed experimenting on new virtual glasses using Half Life game. Barnett's statement also invites quite extreme speculation among gamers, that Valve is allegedly making Half Life 3 with virtual reality features.The continuation of the Half Life game (Half Life 3) is much awaited by gamers. It is precisely this that makes some of Valve's most recent statements often lead to excessive expectations and speculation. Nevertheless, some observers do claim that Valve may indeed be making Half Life 3 with virtual reality features, although the possibility is very small.@themarkymark

This is one helluva clickbait.

(Even though i'd click on anything hl3 related


hello im gaminginfo i want COLAB IN GAME WITH YOU

Half-life and and Portal are my favorite games. I hope to be released soon.

I personally want another L4D game. I mean its fun playing L4D2 online with people and I mean the modding community does a lot but there are definitely certain limitations within the game that aren't exactly fixable by mods, at least none that I have found.

Never really played half life or half life 2 though, closest I came was a half life level remake done in Gary's mod.

I loved L4D 1, played it a ton. L4D 2 I didn't really get into much. Fortnite is the new L4D, although I only started playing the free Battle Royale I haven't bought it but considering it to try the L4D mode.

My love for L4D2 came with the fact that I am slightly younger so by time I got the two games, almost nobody was on L4D online and instead all went to the second one and played the original maps (old maps, new mechanics)

If I ever get the time to sit down and play I will check out fortnite.

nice info

My fellow gamer. Am following you right away

I'm a bit skeptical about Half-Life 3. I want it to come out. However most of the people that worked on Half-Life series have left Valve. Also, if it does come out there is a possibility that the game will be over hyped. A lot of people may end up disappointed. (Anyone remember what happened to Duke Nukem Forever?)

It'sood to know Valve is making games again. Yaaaaay!! (though I don't think we will ever get HL3, too much hype, too small hope.)

Hmmm... I mentioned this post in my Daily Picks It's good to find a witness posting gaming posts, though it seems you don't mainly post about gaming.

Half Life 3 is a unicorn! It'll never exist haha

Finally some action on the part of Valve. But let's face it, do you really think that Half-Life 3 will be on the way?
I haven't played the saga yet, because I always have other games to play, but it's something I notice when my friends tell me about Half-Life 3. Most of them have already given up hope.
However, don't forget that Left4Dead 3 is already in production. They even showed an image of the next game last year, I think. However, they didn't say anything else. Even so, I thank you for the article, because I still didn't know anything!

I think HL3 is coming. Gabe is no dummy and you have to be the shittiest CEO in the world to not see the massive cash cow HL3 will be.

They did fire the lead voice actor a while ago but that doesn’t mean he can’t be re-hired or replacing.

L4D was one of my favorite games but 2 was meh.

Well, I know Gabe isn't stupid. But he could do so amazing things and he doesn't. One of them, like you said, it was the production of HL3. I hope they release in a near future.
The second is something that the American PSN have: If you clear a 100% game, you receive 25$ for being a good gamer. Steam has more money than PlayStation, they could put some strategy in the company for benefit us, gamers.

It's just an opinion but I think you're right.

I loved L4D 1 and 2. Hope the next could be better!