in hallacas •  6 years ago 

The quantities are approximate, the ideal is to try for a savory taste with sweet tones.
For the onoted oil:
½ liter of corn, soybean or canola oil.
200 gr of onoto grain.
In a pot over a fire add the oil and onoto in grains, mix constantly for a few minutes and go! We know that it is ready because the oil takes on a reddish coloration. At this point we put our oil and reserve it, this is called oil onotado and we can use it to paint the dough and to varnish the leaves.
For the stew:
2.5kg pork, (pork shoulder, pork loin or any cut you like).
2.5 kg of turkey.
2.5 kg of chicken
2.5kg of lizard.
4 round onions
150gr of scallions.
2 medium paprika (red, green or both).
10 sweet peppers.
100gr of leek (garlic porro).
1 jar of green olives stuffed with paprika.
1 jar of capers
60 grams of raisins.
¼ cup of vegetable oil.
4 cloves garlic
¼ teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon oregano
1 tablespoon of paper.
1 glass of red wine (preferably a sweet wine).
Salt to taste.
1kl of chickpeas (optional).
Here in my house we cook everything. The first thing we must do is cut the meat, all the vegetables, the olives, capers, raisins and garlic in small squares, in addition we must process the vegetables. In a pot heat the oil and stir fry all vegetables start with onions, paprika, sweet peppers, leeks, chives and garlic.
Once the vegetables take a golden color, add the pork and the rest of the meat cut into cubes, mix well and add the wine the olives, capers, raisins and pickled vegetables in oregano, cumin, paper, salt and pepper.
Cover and stir occasionally. The pork must be very soft.
The stew of the hallacas has a delicious aroma due to the combination of all its ingredients, we must try our stew with a clean spoon to make sure that the flavors are balanced, that is, each of the flavors must be felt without predominating one over other. This depends a lot on our nose and palate since it depends on what we like is that we can get our perfect hallaca.
Once our stew is ready, add the chickpeas and mix well.
For the mass:
1lts of vegetable broth or stew meat.
1kg precooked corn flour (the same as used to make the arepas).
Abundant leaves of banana or bijao.
2 cups of oil onotado.
1 roll of wick or rope
Some prefer to make the hallacas with the cooked dough, here we like to make it with the raw dough since they are cooked by putting them in with the leaf.
In a bowl, we mix the corn flour with the broth and we are adding little by little the onotada oil prepared previously, we knead constantly for a few minutes and we will know that our dough is ready when it has a smooth consistency, without lumps and its appearance is smooth, yellow uniform.
The dough can be made in a blender or preferably by hand.

The leaves of banana or bijao: we must clean well with soap and water.
The armed of the hallacas:
The first thing we must do are balls of dough the size of the palm of the hand, large, small, small, thick, thin. As you prefer it.
Then spread the sheet on the table and varnish with oil and spread the dough on the sheet and stretch it in the center of the sheet.
Add in stew about the center of the dough. And we rolled the style over and placed double sheet and then we tied it tight. While we place or make the hallacas we light the pot, stove or oven with water and salt, we place our hallacas every hour in the pot and cook for 30 to 45 minutes. Each recipe is made from 50 to 80 hallacas or more depending on the measures of the mass balls that you make.


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