Halloween Trump

in halloween •  7 years ago 

Children are our future. Sometimes, it can be tough to talk to them in some situations, especially when the kids don't know you. Many people are not investing enough into kids. We can all find ways to be there for kids as they grow up and as they mature through education and entertainment and everything else.

Halloween Trump

2017-10-28 - created - Saturday 10:15 AM PC

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This is awesome. I don't care what people think of Trump. The man truly does love kids and is genuine with them in this video.

What an opportunity of a lifetime for these trick or treaters. Thanks for sharing.

Great. I do hope for the best for those kids. I hope for the best for Trump and others as long as they're helping America first in less taxes, more freedoms, less governments, and all of those things that American Patriots want. We want to be able to vote more, to debate more, to talk more, to compete more, to own more, to have Bitcoin, to have more choices and consequences & profits from our choices, to do want we want, to say what we want, to think what we want, to believe in what we want to believe in, to feel more free, through the freedom of speech and also the freedom of hate speech because hate speech is included in speech because hate is an opinion and is included in that freedom of speech. I love the USA. I was born in Oregon. We all have a job to do in helping our kids and everything. It is great. It is getting greater. It is great to be sincere.