Hallosteem Costume Contest: Superhero Family Halloween - closer look and recap

in halloween •  7 years ago  (edited)

How was everyone's Halloween?

Ours was fantastic, but crazy busy! I'm sort of hoping that as the kids get older, they'll be able to help themselves a little more, and free up a little of my time, so the evening isn't quite such a gong show. I mean, it was all a success, in that I managed to make a spooky dinner (post on that coming soon!), get myself into a makeshift costume, do my makeup, help hubs by drawing on his mask, trimming wee man's mask so he could see better, getting the kids dressed in enough layers to stay warm, but still able to move, and grab a few pics, before heading out for the trick-or-treating madness.


I made my bat ears, and logo, did my mask with makeup (wish I had more time to perfect it, but it worked), and used a black pillowcase as a cape. lol

Green Arrow:

Hubby made a quiver out of some paper towel rolls taped together, and sprayed with stone shield, made arrows from some old dowels, complete with duct tape-covered cardboard fletching, a bow from pvc pipe sprayed with more stone shield, and rope. He used a green pillowcase for a hood, and we lined the inside with some green glow sticks, to get that "green" glow. And I drew his mask on with my trusty black eyeliner. ;)

Super Family:

Wee man had to be Spiderman (thanks, mostly, to the new "Homecoming" movie), little miss found a cute triceratops costume, but decided she needed to be a superhero as well, and since she already had a Wonder Woman dress, as well as cape and mask, that's what she was! I was stoked to have a "theme" to run with, so after a bit of brainstorming and closet rifling, we figured out our own "Super" costumes. Sure, we've got a 3:1 DC/Marvel thing happening, but the kids don't know the difference/don't care, and at the end of the day, they're all Superheroes. ;)

The kids had a blast! They insisted we had to wait until it was dark before heading out, and timing was fortuitous, as the sun was just setting as we headed out the door... The perfect balance of being early enough to make a mile before bed, while still technically being "dark". Winning! haha It took a few houses to get into the swing of things, but once she figured out what was going on, little miss was a machine! The girl is just turning 2 1/2 years old, and at points she was refusing to hold my hand, saying "No need your hand! I go next house!" and then running ahead, and powering up countless stairs at each house. I tried to let her have her independence, and only stepped in to hold a hand when she requested it, to get down some of those aforementioned stairs. Wonder Woman, indeed.

We made it about 1.5 blocks, over the course of about an hour. The kids cleaned up! Our neighborhood was really into the spirit, and of course, everyone loves seeing little kids dressed up and stoked on life. They scored extras for the extra cuteness, and having parents in costume scored us a few extras as well. Not that we really needed it, as mom and dad typically make the biggest dent in the treats as it is! hahaha (Really, how much sugar are people going to give their 2 & 5 y/o?!) Hubby and I were remarking on how well the kids were doing, and heading to the last few houses before home, when one of the neighbors' decorations scared the bejezus out of both of them... little miss was super unimpressed with it (essentially a motion-activated vibrating, screaming set of light-up eyes) and while she made it up those stairs, she refused to go up the next house, as it was too close. lol She informed us then, that she was done and wanted to go home. We convinced her to go to one last house, because our next-door neighbor always dresses up as a witch, and has all sorts of fun little animatronic Halloween characters on her front step. She was happy with the last stop, and I'm glad we ended the night on a good note. And the best part: we managed to make it home before 8! I feel like we deserve a treat for that... oh, right, we have 3 bucketfuls. ;)

Did you have any good scares this Halloween?


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