Disproportionality is common sense.

in hamas •  last year 


Disproportionality is the only reasonable resonance.

No clear thinking person would propose a “proportional” response.

What even is a “proportional” response to attempted genocide?

No, Israel does what they can to kill as many Hamas fighters as they can to stop the murder, and they do it while doing everything possible to minimize civilian casualties in the process.

The fact that Israel has inflicted just over 5000 deaths in almost three weeks if we uncritically accept Hamas’ reports (which is absurd, but of course it’s what you’re doing, since you’re on Hamas’ side), proves it.

Gaza is about the 85th most densely populated city in the world. Israel has complete green air, a modern air force, heavy weapons and a massive arsenal at their disposal. These weapons are being utilized by Israel’s 350,000 strong army.

But you are happy to promote the lie that with all of that time and firepower at their disposal, again, targeting a denser and larger urban area than Sderot, an indiscriminate bombing campaign—or even one aiming for maximum civilian casualties?—has been unable to kill 4 times as many people as a coordinated mass shooting by around 2000 killers with small arms alone?

Does that make sense to you?

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