The most expensive hamburger

in hamburger •  8 years ago 

How much would you consider a hamburger expansive, 20 dollars? 50 dollars? 100 dollars?

You will never guess the following:

The humble burger, crafted and cooked to a high standard, can be a thing of beauty.

But can a pimped-up patty ever justify a price of £1,785 (one thousand, seven hundred and eight five pounds)?

That's exactly how much the world's most expensive burger - approved by Guinness World Records - will cost you.

The sumptuous sandwich consists of a Japanese dry-aged Wagyu and Black Angus beef patty, Oosterschelde lobster infused with Hermit - Dutch Coastal Gin, foie gras, white truffle, Remeker cheese, Japanese fruit tomatoes and caviar.

French lettuce, Iberian ham, and a specially-concocted sauce made with 35 lobsters, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, Madagascan vanilla, saffron and Japanese soy is also added to the mix.


Would you try that? Yes to me... only if I were really really rich XD.

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