Emergency Request for President Trump to declassify the Hammer and Scorecard which Sydney Powell has referenced many times

in hammerandscorecard •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Dennis Montgomery and other White Hats can prove through the Hammer and Scorecard that Election Fraud occurred.

They have the data.

They just need the President to declassify Hammer and Scorecard and to take the Gag Order off of Denis Montgomery.

Verified by General McInerney
Hammer and Scorecard have been collecting all of this data on people running

  • as a mirror to the NSA Queries (702 search through a FISA warrant)
  • Sold to the Chinese by James Comey (see sources for further info on Comey's trail)

Thomas McInerney is a political commentator and a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General, who served in top military positions under the President of the United States and Secretary of Defense.

Look him up yourself if you can to see his experience,

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McInerney validates the Hammer and Scorecard which was built by Dennis Montgomery for John Brennan
Montgomery has 47 hard drives with evidence
Comey is aware of it along with Klayman, Montgomery's attorney.
Part of why Pelosi panicked after the storming of the capitol
There was also very Limited Security around the capitol that day. WHY?
Schumer calling for impeachment
A lot of people causing destruction from infiltrators as Pelosi called for the 25th Amendment (No Shocker there as Before he was ever In Office they were working on getting him Out)!
They realized what had been taken from Pelosi's office during the distraction.
Was Pelois's laptop taken?
What info is contained on it?
What stands to be revealed?
What was Seth Rich Known to have done?

Nancy has an upcoming 60 minutes interview where she is calling President Trump deranged.
WHY would she need to do that? What does she stand to have exposed by Truth?

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In the wake of the Trump Tower wiretapping allegations, Klayman on Montgomery's behalf claimed that Montgomery had evidence that security agencies have been involved in "systematic illegal surveillance on prominent Americans", including Donald Trump. Jerome Corsi and Mike Zullo, a former member of the MSCO's (largest Sherif's Office in Arizona, think the Arpaio case) cold-case posse, similarly echoed the claims about Montgomery's data.

In June 2017, Montgomery and Klayman jointly sued James Comey and other federal government officials, alleging a coverup of evidence that, according to Montgomery, shows the existence of widespread illegal surveillance by the federal government.

In March 2018, the federal district court dismissed their lawsuit.
So what happens when the court system and much of the justice system is corrupt?

According to Klayman, Montgomery also claimed these security agencies had manipulated voting in Florida during the 2008 United States presidential election

James Comey Sold the Hammer and Scorecard to the Chinese so the nefarious in their government could get involved in manipulating our elections. These are Not the Good people in China. ..Their Deep State in China. The Good people are trying to help We the People in America to see the truth!

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Trump is Not going to the Inauguration on the 20th because he Will Not Concede!

  • Already been proven Pence is a Traitor
  • President Trump has stated he will provide a Peaceful Transition to the New Administration
    What exactly Will the New Administration look like?
    Will it look the way MSM is telling you and some people expect or will there be Big Changes on a Biblical Scale?

The storming of the White House. ..
Social Media Psyops?
Were the Good Guys still in play?
Stay calm and watch it play out, seek truth with disCERNment then You decide.
Don't let them lead you by the nose into their "drama" game.
That is what they want, it instills fear and anxiety, keeps people irritable, on edge and apprehensible.
That is where the corporate owned media and the nefarious who Control them want you!
They do not have the interests of We the People, but their OWN agenda and goals to further the globalists elites (always controlling entities) as we fight not against WHAT?

Ephesians 6:12
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Sources and Connecting Articles






"The words come from everywhere." Stipe explained to Q Magazine in 1992. "I'm extremely aware of everything around me, whether I am in a sleeping state, awake, dream-state or just in day to day life, so that ended up in the song along with a lot of stuff I'd seen when I was flipping TV channels. It's a collection of streams of consciousness.”


Open Philanthropy group that funded Event 201, and Who's Who connected to them, the Club and you're not In It!. https://www.facebook.com/melissa.mcgarity.14/posts/10220728736262792

Facebook Frames on the Truth about the National Cancer Institute and the deep history of it's location at Fort Detrick (bioweapons Deep Dive) close to D.C. Hear this Med Researcher with a PhD tell the truth about Dr. Fauci, whom she has known and had worked with since the 1980's.

Facebook Frames Do you trust Bill Gates to Help you or Harm you?

Facebook Frames What Kind of a world do we live in? Are things what they seem? Are they always signaling the Next Nightmare?

Do they Need a hoax? You Decide, flip through the photos which are Fully Sourced!

See who Biden is linked to in attempting to hide who who was involved with and the evidenced bribery.

Facebook Frames Kidnapping Attempt of JFKjr and a letter allegedly from Jr stating the then Sen. Biden was a Traitor Verified in the FBI Vault Evidence and source links given.
Personally delivered by a Special Agent (SA) on Sept. 8, 1994 so 9/8. . .1994
Delivered to then Senator Joseph Biden
At U.S. Capitol Building











Facebook Frames
American Eugenics Society now known under another name, back in the day Mrs. E. H. Harriman established the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) at Cold Spring Harbor, the ERO eventually became part of the Department of Genetics.


I've had this hit my feed too many times to count, shared evidence on my YT channel Without saying their key words and still had my entire channel with years of work removed, always have evidence and vetted source links some msm. but harassed with this for years now

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