HandleMode; The Decentralized Automated Influencer Sales Network

in handlemode •  6 years ago 


• Privacy issues: People have started to realize that the existing social media platforms are spying on them. These social networks tend to take away the privacy of individuals once terms and condition are agreed upon, these social networks usually have access to people’s privacy such as: e-mails, calls are being listened to, and a complete access to phone accessories.

• Fake information: Users were initially given the control over their viewed content as a result of the users they followed, but things have changed and there is an algorithm which will dictate the type of content that will be shown to users.
The modern social network has added more credibility by placing fake news, scam advertisements and also fake news and stories under user’s newsfeed.

• The presence of scam advertisement: The present social media platform is making it possible for a lot of people available all over the world to be scammed. The available system usually over-hype the so-called ‘’affiliate marketers’’ and investment opportunities that happen to be scam at the end of the day.

• The presence of political advertisement: Problems with scary echo chamber began to come into play as a result of the combination of access to their algorithm and the ability to continue to run scam advertisement.

• Problem with influence: Instagram was a great way to help solve the problems that facebook came with. Since unlike facebook, Instagram did not have paid advertisements and this even made it a different platform. Issues however aroused when facebook purchased Instagram, the issues faced by facebook became the same problem with Instagram since they have virtually become the same company, and both share the same advertising system and algorithm.


The solution made available by HandleMode is the creation of a new social media platform that will never make use of a promoted advertising system or even collect data on users. Rather, HandleMode will allow users to become influencers.
Every post made by users will be shown clearly to the total user’s followers. If an algorithm is however developed by HandleMode, it will be that of an open source, that is programmed by a lot of developers that exist around the globe.
Bots will not be able to benefit from sales by placing fake impressions on the ad network and this is because HandleMode will not have a pay per impression and model just like the current providers do.


One of the basic goal behind the operation of HandleMedia, is to successfully operate on a social platform made available for the masses without running of promoted advertisments.
HandleMedia will automate influencer marketing and this will make it possible for anyone to be able to promote their products or services to their followers and also earn money while doing this.
It is as well beneficial to companies, they will be able to make use of their margins to carry out real business decisions about the amount of marketing dollars that could be made available per sale rather than wasting money on influencers that are untracked or even overcharged advertisement that is filled with overinflated statistics.


Here is the way it works for merchants by promotion type:
• Products to sales network will be submitted for review.
• HNDL tokens should be uploaded into an escrow account, which will be used for micropayments for influencer sales from the merchant to the person who made the sale.
• HM conversion pixel should be placed into a thank you page for your offer.
• HNDL escrow balance should be kept high enough to help cover every available active influencer offers, if this is not observed, users could be automatically removed from the network.
Here is the way it works for service influencer sales:
• Service should be submitted to sales network for offer review.
• HNDL tokens should be uploaded into an escrow account, this will be used for micropayments to influence sales from the merchant to the user who made the sale.
• The HM conversion pixel should be placed into the THANK YOU page for offers.
• HNDL escrow balance should be kept high enough to cover every offer of active influencers, or they will be removed automatically from the network.
Here is the way it works for promotions:
• Promotions should be submitted to sales network in order to offer reviews.
• HNDL tokens should be uploaded into an escrow account to be used for micropayments for influencers.
• An offer amount should be set, this will be paid per 1,000 followers users have for making promotion posts.
• HNDL escrow balance must be kept high enough to be able to cover all influencer promotions, the absence of this may result into their automatic elimination from the network.
Here is the way it works for users:
It is possible for users to scroll and swipe through the feed of their HandleMode and click on any influencer post as they wish just like every other social media platform.
The creation of an influencer post is very easy for users, users will go to into the sales network first, where they will be able to browse through every available active offers from merchants. Once an offer of their interest is found where they can make influencer post, they can add it to their favourite list.
The moment it is made available on their favourite list, and they go to make regular post on the network, there is an option made available to add sales tag to offers available in their favourite list with just a single click.

HandleMode and Blockchain technology.

HandleMode is built in 6 seasons, the first 5 seasons will not be totally decentralized, and rather a decentralized ERC-20 token will be utilized on the Ethereum blockchain.
By season 6, HandleMode will become fully decentralized and it will be built on top of a blockchain. ERC-20 can easily be pivoted to a different blockchain.


HandleMode native token (HNDL) is a type of cryptocurrency that has the ability and would power lightning-fast cryptocurrency transfers on the blockchain. This will be between users and merchants who have active offers in the influencer sales network.
This social media network also makes it possible and easy for users to carry out blockchain transfers among themselves.


50,000,000,000 handle tokens (HNDL) will be made available. During the period of the token sale, 80% of the token will be supplied in four (4) rounds.


The distribution of tokens in four (4 rounds) will have 80%.
10% will be locked up for the benefit of long-term development reserves in order to complete every other phase(s) of the products.
5% will be shared between the team and the advisors.
5% will be kept as reserve, this will be to attract major influencers and celebrities that will join through other networks.


For pre-sale, the available token is 5,000,000,000 and the USD price is $0.0006, the available discount is 40%, the sale will begin on the 8th of August, 2018 and end on the 21st of September, 2018.
The first round of token is 10,000,000,000 the USD price is $0.0008, the discount rate is 20%. Sale will begin on the 22nd of September 2018 until the 23rd of November 2018.
The second round will have a total available token of 12,500,000,000, the USD price is $0.0009, and there will be a discount of 10%. Sale will begin on the 24th of November 2018 and it will end on the 25th of January, 2019.
The third round, the total available token sale is 12,500,000,000, the USD price is $0.001. The available discount is the full price. Sale will begin on the 26th of January 2019 and it will end on the 22nd of March 2019.
Road map for HandleMode.
Q1 is for idea structure and legal research.
Q2 is for product development (2018).
Q3 is for the release of Desktop application on the 4th of July. (Pre token sale).
Q4 is for the release of mobile application (1st round of token sale).
For the following year:
Q1, new features will be added and there will be a second round of token sale (2019).
Q2, wallet features will be added.
Q3, there will be a release of automatic influencer sales network.
Q4, there will be an initiation of growth, the plans of hacking begins with our influencers.


HandleMode is obviously the next generation of social media platforms. It’s combination of decentralization and blockchain technology makes it even more superior to other social media platforms.
Even if it will take a lot of time, masses will eventually begin to see a social media platform that will be made available for earning rather than staying on the ones that will constantly make them spied upon and manipulated.



Authored by: geeboy88
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1874835
Eth Address: 0xdcef7d27bbaae609accdaf43ccf41b042beaffb4

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I agree, if compared with other platforms, then HandleMode is much more perfect. But it seems to me that I will always have to watch, when the earnings are at stake. I think that your information will help everyone who wants to invest money and earn money. You have painted everything in such detail and understandable that even I was able to understand it. Although still some I leave for a great mind: 0
you have big brains, straight Mega brain! I've always admired how you figure this out and calculate every moment.
it may be easier to follow this chain. But when will the ERC-20 be?