Transition into Entrepreneurship - When It Was About To Happen

in handmade •  7 years ago  (edited)

I was always told by my family, friends and colleagues that stepping into entrepreneurship is not everyone's piece of cake. What I always knew, even when I started off in a digital agency 5 years ago, that I will eventually start my own business someday, I just didn't know what will bring that day and when that day would come. Does it happen with planning or life just brings you the opportunity - You just wouldn't ever find out until the day you feel you just don't have the will to go on with monotony. Now everyone' got their reasons to move into entrepreneurship - mine is breaking the monotony. After having worked in MNCs for over 5 years, I just couldn't go longer than that.

Ideas would just stream through my mind all the time about what businesses I could get into to begin something good for not just myself but also for the people of my country, my country, and as well as the world at large. I had started thinking on these lines since a long time, almost a year and I used to plan with my friends as to how I could step into something that would be beneficial for everyone in my country. So the idea of handmade products came into being.
Pakistan is known for its strong connect with the handicraft products in all parts of the country - every province has something special in the handicraft products, for which it gets recognized by the tourists as well as the local shopaholics. Some of these products include handmade pottery, camel skin lamps, Ralli cloth work, Hand Embroidery, the list is endless.

While I was at a job, it was impossible for me to do the on-ground research and work on a business model for the field I was so passionate about - all I knew was that my 2 passions had to come together to form a bigger idea - Tech and Artisans.

I was now just waiting for that one fine day, I would resign from being an employee and move into the bigger role. Let's not forget - "with great power comes great responsibility"

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I feel just like you, I cannot see any way in which monotony will ever be a suitable lifestyle for me, it is both a relief and a very stressful thing, since i worry a lot about finding that one great passion that will also work as my life support.

It's always a good to start something that could be sustainable within one year, else you'll run short on the runway. If I may ask, what do you do currently that is creating the monotony for you?

thanks for the great tip!