HANDWRITING ANALYSIS- know how much a person is ORGANIZED through his/her STYLE OF WRITING

in handwritinganaysis •  6 years ago  (edited)

I'm posting after a long time because I was digging up all this stuff of graphology.
So now, here I am, introducing GRAPHOLOGY course, in which you would be able to know a lot about of person by having a look at his/her handwriting.
Interesting! Isn't it?
So lets get started!

Organization- The style of script

The organization or lack of it in a handwriting sample is a picture of the clarity or confusion of the writer's mind at the time of writing. It means the writer's control over his own behavior: whatever the script style the writer has adopted, it much show that he is capable of effectively performing task (in this case, writing a message) which he has set for himself.

Your style of writing is a pattern of behavior; a picture of how you think, and therefore what you are likely to do, under given circumstances.
Here's what you're looking for:

  1. A well organized script shows consistent usage.
    Consistency is measured by comparing similar penstrokes or letterforms to each other. For example, you compare the angel ( or slant) of one letter in script to the angel of other letters; the pen stroke is one part of the sample to the pen pressure in other parts; the penstrokes used to form any given letter to the penstrokes used to form similar letters.
    Variation in penstrokes usage can show up in many or all parts of the script, such as:

letter size and shape:

slant (or angle) and

and so forth.
If the variation affects only one kind of formation in the hand writing, then the writer is experiencing problems in only that one area of his life. When persistence variations show up in many or all parts of the script you are looking at the evidence of changeability, inconsistency, instability, in short a writer who is unpredictable , often to himself.
our analysis of each script formation will tell you the cause of the writer's confusion. But in erratic style and the erratic behavior it illustrates, is one of the surest signs in handwriting of someone who is under stress and unable to cope.

Now ,
Two samples from opposite ends of the spectrum.

A clear , well organized script, showing original formations ( i.e original thoughts) and definitely independent options.


This handwriting has some original formations, too, but we would have to characterize it as confused and disoriented. In this case, poor physical health is at least one of the causative factors, but it is obvious even too the untrained eye that something is troubling this writer.

  1. A well-organized script avoids extremes.
    An extreme in script can be on either side of center. For example : an extreme tilt is one that leans all the way to the right or all the way to the left.
    The writer who avoids extremes, is showing not so much moderation as balance; the ability to take things as they come, and deal with them on their own level of importance. Any extreme in script, even when it is consistent, shows a writer who is over reacting to situations or events.
    An extreme, in handwriting means the same thing as an extreme in behavior , dress , or speech; it identifies a person who has tendency to go overboard in his actions or reactions, certainly in that area and possibility in others. When interpreting extremes, be aware that too much of a good thing is also a over-reaction. Even extremely well-organized script will show signs that the writer has relinquished control over his life to someone or something else.


A formal styled script , much more concerned with appearances ("What will people think?") than with content. The organization here is almost professional- I would let this writer engrave my invitations any day- but when it is used in writing a letter, it should make you wonder whether or not the writer is sincere. Note that the strong right tilt: which contradicts , as you will learn , loops that start in the upper zone( variation in intent)

  1. A well - organized script will show simplicity of form.
    Simplicity means elimination of unnecessary or distracting penstroke formations.
    Complications in the script( any unnecessary strokes or additions to the letterform) show mental confusion translated in to action: the person who cannot get anything done because he is too involved with non-essentials. for example, knots and ties, fanciful scrolls or curlicues, extra lead -in or ending strokes- any unnecessary ornamentation or accessories to the basic letter form are all things which interfere with the smooth flow of thought. Most people think faster than they can write: if the writer has time to add these unnecessary decorations to his script , then something matters more to him than what he is doing.

Figure 3
unnecessary accessories to the script.

Extra strokes and an attempt at least , at elegance. The circled i-dots are something this writer has probably seen somewhere else and copied as a way of being artistic and different. The script shows someone who will try to do anything to be noticed.

  1. A well organized script will show an overall clarity of style.
    The style of script sample is a graphic picture of the writer's thought processes.


Tangled script , showing confusion , depression, instability.


Co-operative and conforming ; also somewhat immature


Flamboyant but crude. This writer is putting up a front.


Sensitive, reserved, defensive.

That's all folks! (for now)
In the next articles, we will break down script style into its component parts: the major trait indicators, and the penstroke formations. We'll also begin to build an outline that you can use in doing your own analyses.

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