Happiness Outside Your Life - How to Attain Happiness

in happiness •  4 years ago 

Happiness is Right Outside Your Window. How many times have you heard this expression, or other variations of it? You may have seen movies where the phrase was used, but it's actually a very common saying and it should be understood if we are to truly understand what happiness is all about. The quote is one that comes to mind: "happiness is right outside your window."

Happiness is not some elusive concept that eludes all efforts. It is right outside your window, but that doesn't mean you won't get there, or it will only be temporary. Happiness is something you can reach with consistent effort and that which you wish for.

"Being happy is an act of the mind, not of the heart," as the quote continues. It's interesting how the phrase is written out here. The first part expresses what happiness is, while the second part describes the act of thinking it is. So what does this all mean? Does it mean that you will never find true happiness?

No, not at all. While thinking of happiness as something that is beyond your control can certainly be frustrating and somewhat limiting, it is important to remember that no single person on the planet has the power to bring happiness upon any person. Happiness is a choice, and the power to choose whether to be happy is within each person individually. However, this doesn't mean you won't be able to help bring happiness into your own life.

When you think of happiness being outside your window, you're really thinking of a place that is out of reach: a place where you can't touch or taste, smell, hear or even see. True happiness isn't something that you can acquire. It is something that is inherent in each person, and you can enhance it through effort and actions. The action is quieting and relaxing the internal chatter within you.

This quieting and relaxing is the key to finding real happiness. This action can take many forms, such as going for a walk in a nearby park after work, taking a bubble bath, listening to music, meditating, laughing, eating, writing, or just sitting quietly and enjoying the world around you. A key aspect of quieting and relaxing is to identify and pinpoint the things that make you truly happy. This is a process that you will have to do over time, but as you progress, you will start to see the happiness blossom before your eyes.

Happiness is also found in the people in your life. This is perhaps the most important aspect of happiness, and something that most people are completely unaware of. People can often be very harsh and unforgiving, and while there is certainly nothing wrong with looking for someone who you love and holding them responsible for your happiness, don't jump the gun. The act of forgiving and forgetting can actually bring happiness into your life. After all, aren't you doing the same for those around you?

Finding your own happiness outside of what you experience in the here and now is extremely difficult. However, if you take the time to look for what is missing in your life and find a way to bring it into your life, you will find it. It may take time, and it may even require that you make some hard choices, but you will be happier for it. So, give yourself the gift of happiness today by finding your own happiness outside of what is happening around you.

Another thing to think about when finding your happiness outside of your life is that happiness is relative. You may find that being at work and having a boss doesn't really bring you happiness. What about being at home relaxing and reading a book? These things bring pleasure to your life, and you may not see the connection between these two things unless you are extremely close to that which you are doing. Happiness is relative and finding the right formula to making you feel good is very possible when you find the happiness in your life.


The last thing to consider when searching for happiness outside of your life is to look for happiness within. Happiness is subjective, so what makes you happy may not make other people happy. However, if you are able to find a way to internalize the things that make you happy, you will find that happiness comes easily to you. This is true happiness, and this is the kind of happiness that are worth striving for.

Happiness is hard to find, but it is not impossible. You can have a happy life and still struggle with happiness. However, if you find a way to become happy for yourself, you will be able to find that happiness outside of your life, too. You can pursue happiness and make it happen, or you can just settle for feeling happy on some days and being miserable on others. If you choose the second option, it is important to keep in mind that happiness is only temporary.

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