There is no doubt that money is very important. Money is necessary to provide the requirements of life and preserve human dignity and the ability to live a decent life. Love of man for money is natural.
Money is also important and indispensable, but also money must be made in a legal way. You should not infringe the law to make money. Money is important to provide life requirements and provide a decent life for man. Without money, starvation occurs, the economy of the state goes down and wars break out.
The importance of money for societies is a security component of the state. A strong country has a huge economy, a strong currency and cash. And also the rich state can buy advanced weapons to defend itself. And the rich state can build a strong infrastructure and provide utilities to serve citizens. The rich state can pay the salaries of employees and provide aid to the unemployed and poor families.
In the end, a person must appreciate the grace of money and must not waste it until he pleases God, and lives his life in happiness.