Hello everyone, hope you enjoying my post on this platform. I'm here to share a post on reason while you are unhappy and how you can start to get yourself happy.
You may have fine house or apartments with a great relationship and a good job. Despite everything is looking great, but still you are just not happy. What I have come to realize is that while people views on what constitutes a happy and successful person, its unusual that some people with all these things are going to genuinely happy. You true happiness is not determine your external circumstances, but rather than your internal focus.

I have five(5) reasons while you are unhappy and how you can start to get yourself happy. Here I will be giving only two(2) reasons for today.
- Maybe you are living in the past or future.
You focused on what you have done in the past or what you can have at hand in the future more than what you have right now. You focused on how things were so great back in the days, or you focused on things will be great in the future. the truth is that when you focus your attention on the past and the future, this prevent you from living a better life and enjoy the present moment, which is the key to real living and being from a place of true joy and happiness. When you realized that you are thinking about how things were great in the past, or how they would become great in the future, take a deep breath, then look around you, notice what you have in that moment and how amazing it is to be simply right now.***
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- When you are caught up in thoughts of judgement and criticism.
You are caught up in judging yourself about not being good enough and you often trying to be perfect. On the other side, you are caught up on judging and criticizing other people, you are caught up criticizing your co-workers appearance and you are also caught up judging others from their own life choices. When you are judging or criticizing, its very important to remember this: when you are judging others, you are judging yourself, because we all intricately connected. When you start criticizing and judging, its a sign that your ego is bringing out your inner critic. This block you from being able to experience love, happiness and joy in that present.
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