This is a seemingly ordinary, innocent and short story but this little, innocent and ordinary story is the story of all of us, this is the reality that is connected to all of us and we all have this at some point in life. Are victims of reality.
My friend was raised by her uncle, her uncle was an unfortunate woman in worldly terms, Allah Almighty had blessed her in every way, she was beautiful, Allah had opened the doors of knowledge for her, from today Forty years ago she did MA, she became a lecturer in college, when she was young there were many relationships but the family chose a strange relationship, this family was sponsoring a poor and needy child, the family gave this child He was educated in school, college and university and had borne all his expenses for fifteen or twenty years.
When the child completed his education, the family decided to give him the best girl of the house in his marriage. This decision was made because the child was intelligent and the family thought that if he was married in their house. So the path of development will be open for him, he got married but a year later this young man did CSS, he joined the police service and as soon as he got the job he divorced the woman, this man is really Hazrat Ali's. There was a practical interpretation of this saying in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
Fear his evil, this man later rose to the highest ranks of the police and was eventually humiliated and retired but this man is not part of our story, he was just a character who came and left the game, after the divorce. The woman's heart was broken, she refused to remarry and devoted the rest of her life to the family, she made the service of father and mother her motto, during which her elder brother got married, this marriage Born my friend
This friend was adopted by this woman and she was brought up in the lap of her oppressed and innocent aunt. This woman's life was shrinking in the days to come, be it limited to the service of this child, her parents and her brothers. Gone, during this time the leaves fell and during this bile, her parents passed away one by one. When the woman's father was buried, an artificial grave was made with her.
This is Kent's cemetery, and it is sometimes difficult to find a place in this cemetery, so the family requested the gravedigger and the gravedigger made a mound of mud next to his father's grave and "booked" the next tomb. When he went to his father's grave to pay his respects, he often wondered who would inherit the tomb and who was the rightful owner of the tomb. In the end, she became an oppressed, innocent, simple and virtuous woman. Which is why I was forced to write this column, I come back to my friend, this friend of mine made a mistake at the age of ten or eleven and this mistake became a thorn in his conscience and stuck for the rest of his life. Done.
As a child, one day he complained to his mother about his aunt. This complaint was false. The mother became angry with the aunt. When the two of them came face to face, the mother got into a fight with the aunt. The aunt became upset. The baby called out, my friend stood in front of both of them, the mother asked him to speak on his uncle's face, the child looked at his uncle and repeated the lie on his face, his uncle was surprised at first, then he smiled, He took the child with him and said to his brother-in-law, "If my son is saying this, then it will be all right."
I must have said to him, "This word became an arrow at that time and went straight to my friend's heart. Even today, at the age of forty, this word is still attached to his heart and it makes him feel at ease with the fingers of thought. It happens in China, that day and today my friend thinks daily that he should go to his uncle and apologize to him for his mistake but at first embarrassment, regret and embarrassment did not give him a chance and later the busyness of life Got in the way
This story is really an innocent and simple story and we are all part of this story, it is a story woven from the fabric and belly of regret and we are all tied to one end of it, my friend's paternal uncle was a social woman but When her relationships fell apart one by one, she became lonely, her parents died, her sisters and brothers rejoiced in their lives, their children grew up, they got married, and they also lived their own lives. Engaged in engagements, this friend of mine also began to flow in the course of life, but in the meantime, whenever he went to his hometown.
She must have met her uncle, she was now lonely and lonely, her life was limited to one room, she read the Quran, prayed, read books and watched television for a while. She used to go out of the room for a period of time. One day my friend estimated that my aunt had been eating in a restaurant for many years and she had not crossed the road for months.
My friend thought she was my mom too and I should take her to a restaurant, take her to a park and take her out for shopping or a drive, it would make her happy and it Will be able to observe the changing life, my friend thought that my uncle had locked himself in a room for years and he did not even know how much has changed in the city and social life so far. How many crores has she taken?
Every time my friend would make this plan, he would go to his hometown but every time someone would suddenly get in the way of this plan, one day he would not want to get out of bed, one day he would take one of his children to the doctor. One day he would go to see a movie with his wife and one day a friend would drag him with him and so the plan to take his aunt out would be shifted to the next visit. This went on for many years. This week my friend decided he would definitely take my aunt out this weekend.
It will take them out of the room, it will take them to the restaurant of their choice, it will feed them wonderful food and finally it will apologize to them for their childhood lies, my friend's decision was strong and unwavering but The decision flew into the air before the weekend. My friend was informed at 3:30 pm that "Uncle John has passed away". He immediately ran to his hometown. When he reached home, his uncle's funeral was ready. He took them to the graveyard and buried my aunt beside my grandfather, but my friend's pity survived. A little forgiveness and a little food began to seep into him like a peeled abscess.
As I said at the beginning, this is an innocent, simple and short story, this story is over but the sadness hidden in this little story will never end, we all carried the burden of forgiveness in our hearts. We all want to give a few moments of our precious time to some uncle, some uncle, our father, our mother or any of our loved ones, friends and relatives, we want to feed someone or we Wants to get out of the closed room but the busyness of life is not giving us a chance to apologize and make others happy.
We are not able to peek out of the whirlpool of time so our apologists and those who deserve our attention are descending into the graves one by one and their graves are increasing the burden of our sense of remorse, I do not understand we Why do people extend the forgiveness of a few seconds and two sentences for forty years and why do we keep thinking for ten years to give our relationship a little happiness, we work today and serve tomorrow for twenty five years? Why spread, I think we are all pharaohs of this simple, small and innocent story that does not recognize the truth before the dives of the Nile River, we are the slaves of laziness and laziness who can be happy themselves. Nor can they see anyone else happy.
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