It’s true that with our mother’s effort (biological or not) they should be celebrated everyday. But nonetheless I’m still grateful that we have this special day to be extra sweeter and cheesier.
Growing up, I used to think that we are completely different people. But now, now that I can see a much better perspective I can say that we are much alike—almost the same.
I’m a replica of whatever you feel and do: You’re scared? I am scared.
You’re sad? I am sad. You’re happy? I am happy. You love me so much? I love you so much! You stay healthy? I stay healthy. You live? I live.
So if you want to know how much or if you have any doubt about my love for you, you can just simply check the depth of your love for me and you’ll know.
And if you want me to live longer. You know what to do—live longer.
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