I recall back when New Year's was a much more important day to me than it is now. I didn't even attend any party whatsoever. I just went down to the Elks Lodge around 8pm, stayed for an hour or so, and that was my night. This is not very different than most any other day would be to me, so other than the fact that there were decorations up and a few more people than normal, it wasn't different at all.

I wonder if anyone else out there can share in my memories about how the New Year would bring about some annual problems such as forgetting to change the year on any checks you would write for the next month or so or even worse all the FUD that came along with Y2K. It's kind of hard to believe that people got so worked up about that and then literally nothing happened.
Anyway, these days the change of the year is rather irrelevant. I haven't written a personal check in years and I don't even know where my checkbook is. I think that almost no businesses accept checks anymore and any place that does accept them such as the electric company, probably has to pay a fee to the bank of something silly like that.
Dates are entered automatically in most things we do online and I can't even remember the last time I had to put a date on anything other than my date of birth and that of course, doesn't change.
Every now and then in moments of terrible brain-farts I will actually forget what year it is anyway. It just isn't a very important part of my life but perhaps this is because I don't work in banking and most of my plans consist of next month, not next year. I don't plan that far ahead.
I'm hopeful that 2023 will be more fortunate than the past 2 years especially when it comes to investments and just the overall economy. It can't really get much worse though, can it?
I hope you had a great party. I was home asleep before midnight :)