Living in Korea @Food - Happy Restaurant in Gwangju. Recommend restaurant :)

in happyrestaurant •  7 years ago 

Hi, friends!

Have you ever eaten Korean food ..?
Stir-fried spicy pork, 12 kinds of side dishes and soup ...
8,000 won for all the food! You can enjoy it for less than 8 dollars. Without tips.


It was the day when I went to play with my husband @ Gwangju business district. I was worried about what to eat for lunch, but it was written on the sign that it was a happy restaurant. What kind of happiness does it bring with food?

The room was not as big as it was in a rather shabby exterior, but the dining room had already been built with people.


When the side dishes came out, I could see why there were so many people. Many side dishes and delicious meat stir-fry, there is kimchi stew .. !! It was a meal to bring happiness to the name of a happy restaurant! If you go to Gwangju, please come to the business district happy restaurant!

If you come to Korea, I hope you'll try it!

@Gwangju Seo-gu Business Peace Road 102

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So ~ many dishes... Is it korean style food? :D

Yes, dear! Korean food comes with many free side dishes :)