how to drown

in hardening •  7 years ago 

Tempering is the easiest and most affordable way to strengthen the body's defense. In society, it is believed that it is related to the various effects on the body in the cold. This is not quite the case, because the warm effect has a healing potential, if it is dosed and does not exceed the abilities of the body. The most important of the hardening is the temperature difference. In order to compensate for this difference, the organism "involves" the mechanism of hardening, which consists of the body's ability to repress heat loads with its own power, and the human organism becomes invulnerable in terms of temperature differences in the external environment.

The hardening strengthens the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, the system for the purification of the organism and the nervous system. It is believed that sudden significant differences in temperature cause a sudden release of the cell-level body from all the slags that have accumulated as the metabolic process is accelerating.
Quenching is not contraindicated for any condition. It needs both healthy people and weaker or chronically ill organisms.

Before you begin to quench your child, you should consult a GP or other specialist and tell him what you intend to do. He / she should conduct a thorough review and determine if the child is healthy. This is the most important premise. Curing can begin at an early age, as long as certain basic principles are observed and the weather and the child's reaction to them are taken into account.

There are different quenching methods, basically divided into two groups (almost non-practicable) and intensive (mainly used for hardening).

Principles of quenching

Sequence - with gradual decrease of temperatures, with a gradual increase in the duration. The important thing is not to stress the body and not to have a sudden impact.

Systemic - hardening begins and lasts throughout a person's life or at least until the child shows a sustained immune system and no more than one or two colds a year. An interruption at a given time leads naturally to a loss of results.

Complexity - Quenching procedures are not isolated from each other, they must alternate and complement - sun, water, air.

And of course, the principle of the individual approach - everything we do is tailored to the child's individual characteristics, to his current reactions and general health.

Air baths
Positively influence the functions of all organs and increase the overall resistance of the body. It is best to take air baths with lightweight clothing that passes through the air. The most convenient is the morning time when the air is saturated with ultraviolet rays. It is not good to make air baths right after eating. In the cloudy and windy weather the air baths are reduced. The duration of air baths depends on the age of the child. It starts with 1-2 minutes in newborns and reaches 1 hour 30 minutes, and for healthy children and up to 3 hours a day.

It is known that the sun's rays have healing power. Especially important is their action for the body in the process of its growth. The sun rays also have an anti-rhythmic action (under the influence of ultraviolet rays the vitamin D is needed in the body for the normal development of the bone system). Therefore, it is extremely important for young babies to be exposed in sufficient sunlight. At the same time, the sun can also hurt, so we need to be careful. It is best to have sunbathing on the banks of large ponds. The morning hours are good until 11 am. There must be at least 1 hour and 30 minutes between the meal and the solar bath. It takes 2-5 minutes to reach 30-40 minutes. During sunbathing the head should be covered with a hat or umbrella. The use of cosmetics with high sun protection factor is mandatory.

The Power of Water
Water is the most powerful and effective means of hardening. When it comes to pouring cold water, a vascular reaction occurs in the human body. The skin vessels are shortened (the skin fades) and the blood from the periphery is directed to the internal organs. Then the flow of blood is again directed from the internal organs to the periphery, the vessels of the skin expand, and the person feels warm. The constriction and enlargement of the blood vessels is a kind of gymnastics for them, which trains the skin, makes it better to adapt to fluctuations in the temperature of the external environment.
Water processes reflexively affect the functioning of all organs - the heart, the lungs, the brain tissue, and hence the state of the nervous system, blood circulation and breathing. The stagnant methodology is the pouring of the whole child, the bundles being regular, without interruption.
It starts with a water temperature of 30-32 С and it reaches 16-18 С.

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