in hardfork17 •  8 years ago  (edited)

As part of my Operation Newbies initiative, I present another infographic made for REGULAR PEOPLE that explains most of the proposals that have been announced with Hardfork 17:


As I was doing research on the Hardfork 17 change proposals, I got confused whether these changes had already been decided on, or were going to seek community feedback before going into effect. It appears that the changes are still up for discussion so this infographic should be viewed as proposals, I believe. To be honest, it's confusing whether these changes are going to in fact occur, or are going to be discussed and potentially not going to occur. Any information about this would be beneficial.

please note: not every Hardfork 17 proposal change is represented in infographic. To be honest, the removal of rate limiting bandwith from the core consensus change I couldn't grasp. What does this actually mean?

As the infographic reminds you, it pays to engage with others.

My best advice to you as far as the upcoming changes are concerned is that by regularly engaging with other people's posts, your chances of being rewarded will go up. And by engaging, I mean providing useful/fun/informative/interesting comments, not "Good job bro". Comments are one of the main reasons Reddit became so valuable. The same is true for many other networks.

We can argue all day whether rewarding comments is good or bad in the long-term, but there's no better way to understand how this all will work than by experimenting with it.

If you want to read the official Steemitblog Hardfork 17 proposals go here:

Drink your Kool-Aid kids.


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If I will see a policeman like this in real life it will make my day!

ha ha!!! Nice one.

yes thanks for linking that. I had read it before, but couldn't recall who wrote it. Thanks.

A great illustration of how to explain something. We must remember that developers and users are vastly different. We just want the basic details. Great way to show how this can be done easily and friendly to boot!

thanks for stopping by and having a look. I think I'll continue this series for new developments so people can understand what's going on via pictures.

Thanks for looking out for us newbies!

It's encouraging that the platform is constantly being tweaked and improved while I'm getting my feet wet.

I like your "regular people series". There should be much more things in the world explained like that :)

I wish i knew if these are already decided on or still up for debate.....
Earlier I thought they had been decided on, as I think some are like the removal of 6 comment nest limit, and the removal of the number of posts we can write each day. The rest of them I'm not sure about..

Thanks for this posting
And I had NO idea there was a limit to the number of posts or comments.
you enlighten me repeatedly, again thanks.

There's a nesting limit of 6 comments, so that means if there are 6 comments and you try to comment on it, you can't. You have to start a new comment thread.
Also, if you post more than 4 times per day on Steemit, your rewards will go be dimished. This was done to prevent spammers/plagiarists from gaining rewards.

wow, I posted more than that a few times. Always things I thought was deserving of being noticed, and I try to stay away from the highly polarized left vs right stuff. I'm quite a centrist myself.
I wish I had known about the limits.
thx again

The blog post made by @steemitblog was a proposal, but I think that features like the payout after 7 days and unlimited comments will be implemented anyways since the community responded very positively on them. Others were more likely discussed (the unlimited editing for instance). We'll see which of them will be really developed in the end ;)

I'm looking forward to the 7-day payout period. I think it will increase interaction a lot. Right now, there's so much emphasis on finding posts within the 24 hours and the older posts just flow away like water in the river. Why even look at yesterday's posts, lol. It will be a lot more interesting when we can weave together interconnected posts over a week. We can go deep into different topics.

I sure hope getting rid of the 4-post rules doesn't lead to lots of junk posts. Human nature being what it is, my bet is that post limits will need to be restored pretty quick -- unless we get communities at the same time. Otherwise, there will be a firehose of content. It's hard enough keeping up now, lol.

I'm looking forward to editing past posts, too. That will allow us to link our content better. So readers will be more likely to look at several posts covering interconnected content.

Exciting times! The open experimentation and adaptation of Steemit is one thing I really like about it. And the people! : )

This comment was so helpful I had to UPvote it!!!!

Glad it helped! : )

These are very good news… Hope they are not “fn”.


for nothing?

fake news

Another stellar post @stellabelle! What is meant by "Posts can reward other platforms?" I got an account when you jumped in last year, but I am just now getting around to learning the platform. Look for my inciteful introspective #introduceYourself post in response to the Why I joined contest today!

from the official steemitblog:

Multiple Arbitrary Beneficiaries to Reward Payouts

For any given post there can be a half-dozen different people who have a financial interest in the reward. The include: voters, author, referrers, hosting providers, blogs that embedded blockchain comments, and tool developers. Whatever website or tool that is used to construct a post or comment will have the power to set how rewards from that comment are divided among various parties.

This means that if you post via that your post will share some of its rewards with Busy. If you post through the various phone and/or desktop apps then the app developer will be able to claim some of the rewards.

Hmm ok interesting

Oh yeah, resteemed

where is your post? i looked at your blog, finding only resteems...can you link it here?

Awesome. Thank you for the infographic, @stellabelle

Nice infographic!

I think the bandwidth limit was put in place to curb overuse of the site, but no one was ever approaching the limit anyway so it's not needed.

I'll speak in defense of the occasional "good job bro!" comment. If I come across a post that has little to no commenting and/or I can't really think of a more appropriate comment at the moment, I occasionally leave a comment that is equivalent to "good job bro" but using other words. I think it's okay in some circumstances. But I get your point that that should not be your only comment you ever leave, and repeat over and over on lots of posts!

I agree, a "good job bro" comment is better than absolutely no comment. I leave comments saying nice job, sometimes I don't have anything constructive to add, but I read the post and I like to let the author know that I did so. I don't expect to be rewarded for comments like that though, its more for the author... like an internet pat on the back or something.

Totally agree with you on this @justtryme90 it's nice to get even a short comment than nothing at all. I don't always find enough time to
Comment a lot

Yes, you're right. I guess I was being too anal. I write "good job" posts too. I just meant overuse of spam commenting....that was the intended meaning.

I don't think you were being too anal, I think your intended message came through in what you wrote. I still wanted to justify my personal views on short messages. I want to try to provide people with the feeling that they are welcome here and appreciated (they are, but so many posts come and go with out so much as a message at all). Providing people with the validation that, hey, people are reading what I spent time to write has some value, and I certainly think it has value to them.

Keep doin' what you are doing. You are out there fighting for the little guy all the time. I see your comments.

I just noticed the trending page! It's nuts! I am so surprised, as I am not used to things being so focused on engagement......I'm used to the horrible state of the old trending pages....I think things perhaps are looking better....When did this new algo go into effect?

I actually haven't looked at the trending page for months, the one right now is so strange to me. I don't know what the selection criterion is for trending at the moment, but this is certainly the most diverse subset of posting topics I have seen on that page.

I probably have a more positive outlook on the developments going on here then seemingly many people. I think a lot of what is being done to the site in general is with the best interest of the every day poster at heart. Nothing is perfect however...

Straight to the point with no faffing about Thank you :)

Well, now why couldn't they say it like that in the first place? :) The picture diagrams are especially helpful! Can we get one of those for that ungraspable part you mentioned when you find out?

Good Job sis :D !
the new changes sometimes get very technical and it is hard to understand or keep up with them, thanks for simplifying it and keeping not so geek parts of community updated

Thanks for the infographic resume. It would make easier to read the document, if I can find it ...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

One small correction. It should not really be "posts can reward other platforms". The proposal allows anyone to be rewarded out of a posts payouts.

A potential use case for this is to reward a platform like busy or esteem for posts where you use that platform to compose and post it. This could be built right into the busy submit new story. This use case is discussed at length in the proposal, though i really don't think it will be the primary or even a significant use for the feature.

But you can also do this for commenters on your post. For people who have supported you in the past or just anyone for the hell of it.

Personally, i don't think the platform based thing will gain much traction (because why pay, say busy, a non-trivial part of my post rewards when i can just compose the post on busy and c/p it on steemit to post it.) But i think giving to other people will.

thanks for the correction....

Thank you very much! This is will give just a little time to understand about steemit hadfork. Very usefull for non native speaker like me! Nice!

Thanks @stellabelle! Your insights into steemit, how things work and proposed changes are very helpful! upvoted!

Is it just me that's slow, or what do you mean with "Main Takeaway:" and then putting an image with people and stating "It pays to engage with other people on steemit".

I read that as its going away and it will no longer be rewarded to engage with other people on steemit.

Great work with the whole simplification of things :)


a key fact, point, or idea to be remembered, typically one emerging from a discussion or meeting.
"the main takeaway for me is that we need to continue to communicate all the things we're doing for our customers" -Google

This is what I read too. Great question.

what word should I replace it with?

Not to be disrespectful, but "take away" can be construed both ways. I was confused as to which meaning you were trying to get across. Perhaps "in a nutshell" or "the moral of the story," or "we are getting." I don't know. "Take away" is essentially correct, but the words can have two meanings.
I love your posts, by the way!

i changed it now.

The only error is that takeaway is all one word.

I learned something new today, as a user not primary to the English language. Thank you all for the examples and explanations'. I did not know about that word in that context.

Hi @stellabelle, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Thanks stellabelle, nice to have things explained in layman's terms.

@stellabelle, thanks for creating this-- very useful to me, as I am just a blogger and content creator, not a developer/techie or much of a crypto/blockchain enthusiast. I've just gotten to enjoy being part of the community here. I do believe Steemit has great potential as a "soft entry gateway drug" for more mainstream people to get involved in cryptocurrencies... especially since simply being part of a social network and writing doesn't have a big learning curve.

Thank you @stellabelle for the fantastic illustration. For someone that is new here, as I, it is really good to have this kind of content that you create. :)

ah, good, then it's not in vain, eh?

Not at all!!! :) Keep it posting!!!

there is another hardfork coming? what is 'unofficial'? does that mean these are suggestions?

unofficial means that I don't work for Steemit, Inc. and I was not commissioned to do this. However, you can read the official steemitblog information on the upcoming Hardfork here:

From everything I've read, it appears that these are still in the proposals phase and not decided upon, but to be honest, I cannot really tell for sure. I'm going to change one thing on the infographic...

yes thank you i had missed that one! thanks for explaining it more and bringing it to my attention, cheers!

no problem! That's what simple infographics are made for. Easily understood in less than a minute.

This is very informative. This really helped me a lot. Thanks.

I'm all in!


THANK YOU > Follow > Upvoted003.gif

cool GIF.

This is an awesome post. I am learning soooooooo much. The comments are a BIG FAT BONUS.