Dear Diary: Everyone Should At Least Save 1 Bitcoin In Their Hardware Wallets

in hardwarewallet •  7 years ago 


I recently had bought a hardware wallet that is called "KeepKey" and it is easy to use, you just first watch some online videos and then you are good to go. With a KeepKey hardware wallet you can also make a paper wallet, all you have to do is to put some coins in your wallet and then carefully record or write down the security words that will be given to you.

That will be your key in order to retrieve your coins once you wipe out your KeepKey. You can give the 12 words key to your loved one and tell them to make a cash out of it in some date or instance where BTC price is very high enough to help your loved-ones.

It gets so exciting and you feel secured for your future as if you have a social security pension if you have some Bitcoin stored in a hardware wallet where you can be assured of some immediate help when you needed it or you can just put it away as a means of supporting yourself when you retire or get old or very sick.


I am a firm believer of cryptocurrencies, they will be adopted and many things will adapt into it because much things around us will be digitized including money which we as early adopters will be happy if we just save at least 1 BTC in a hardware wallet for the said reasons I stated.

Because cryptos will be our support for our future we should not make slanderous opinions about it when our friends talk about it instead we must for example make a good analogy that Bitcoin or cryptos are like a knife, if you cut food with it to feed people it is good, but if you use it to hurt people it is bad. So if we are wise enough we can use cryptos for our own good and the people around us too.

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@cryptopie this very brilliant, this wallet is very safe, because it require a password. But unfortunately it is not available in my country.
i am appreciate your original work, thanks for sharing this on steemit.

@cryptopie I congratulate you are always at the forefront of technology. Best regards

Yep! Truly many things are going to be digitized and if we followed your advice to store our bitcoin for future use in a hardware wallet we will be a partaker of the potential blessing encapsulated on crypto .thanks for having an eagle ear to see a blessing coming ahead of us .

It looks an amazing idea! How much does it cost? I don't have a full BTC but I am hopeful one day I will have more than that.

I also believe crypto will grow up and up in the future. Thanks for your informative article @cryptopie and stay healthy

Yeah, for bright future! Its is going to break all records

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Iya @cryptopie, postingan bagus kawan sangat bagus dab berguna

Thanks for this info

Useful post

Thanks for the advice and information.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I hope your dream will be true one day. I love crypto so much.

Caramba hijo.
Me parece genial tu forma de ver las finanzas, la billetera y las cryptomonedas.
Eres y serás por siempre una persona exitosa.
Me alegra saber como te preocupas por tus seres queridos.
Saludos y Gracias por existir