Harmony of Religious Life in Aceh

in harmony •  7 years ago 

Although in Seruway there is no more Buddhist people have moved to the city of Kuala Simpang, North Sumatra and other cities.Klenteng budha in the District Seruway Aceh Tamiang district until now still stands, it is a proof that the harmony of life between religious communities kususnya Islam and Buddhism in Aceh has been going well for a long time. One of the community leaders Tamiang said this pagoda was previously built on the coast of Kuala Genting during the Kingdom of Aceh, then moved to Seruway because the center and trade routes changed.

Meski di Seruway tidak ada lagi umat budha karena telah pindah ke kota Kuala Simpang, Sumatera Utara dan kota kota lainnya.Klenteng budha yang ada di Kecamatan Seruway Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang sampai sekarang masih berdiri, ini merupakan bukti bahwa keharmonisan hidup antara ummat beragama kususnya Islam danBudha di Aceh telah berjalan baik sejak lama.Salah seorang tokoh masyarakat Tamiang mengatakan klenteng ini sebelumnya dibangun di Pantai Kuala Genting pada masa Kerajaan Aceh, kemudian dipindahkan ke Seruway dikarenakan pusat dan jalur perdagangan berubah.IMG-20170917-WA0007-258x145.jpg

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