Harris's momentum has basically stopped.

in harris •  5 months ago 


The question is whether it was enough to overtake Trump and if so can she maintain that advantage until November.

When your plan is to get a sugar high and run out the clock there will not be many chances for her to get a resurgence of that momentum, unless Trump does something dumb, which is quite possible. But overall the major question is that did her early efforts do enough for her to win and can she maintain that advantage.

Her slowness in putting any plans out there and when she does they are more platitudes than plans. Her unwillingness to go before interviewers who will ask hard questions. Unwillingness to be specific in what she intends to do. Reliance on emotionalism (joy) in her campaigning and the heavily scripted nature of her campaign. This is a strategy of getting people to vote for her before they can really get to know her. And with our shorten electoral season it may work.

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